The smartest way is probably to not alter types. If you need to do this, I'd suggest you to do the following steps: Add a new column with your new type Use Sql() to take over the data from the original column using an update statement Remove the old…
Inheritance with EF Code First: Part 3 – Table per Concrete Type (TPC) This is the third (and last) post in a series that explains different approaches to map an inheritance hierarchy with EF Code First. I've described these strategies in previous po…
In the previous blog post you saw that there are three different approaches to representing an inheritance hierarchy and I explained Table per Hierarchy (TPH) as the default mapping strategy in EF Code First. We argued that the disadvantages of TPH m…
Model compatibility cannot be checked because the EdmMetadata type was not included in the model. Ensure that IncludeMetadataConvention has been added to the DbModelBuilder conventions. 分析: 碰到此错误是由于使用了EF Code First来生成数据库,生成数据库之后又修改了模型. 两种解决方式: 1.在Glo…
1.EF Code First一对一关联关系 项目结构图: 实体类: Account.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Northwind.App.Entities { public class Account { /// <summary> /// 账户ID /// </summary> public int Acco…
本篇体验在MVC4下,实现一个对Book信息的管理,包括增删查等,用到了EF Code First, 使用Unity进行依赖注入,前端使用Bootstrap美化.先上最终效果: →创建一个MVC4项目,选择Web API模版. →在Models文件夹创建一个Book.cs类. namespace MyMvcAndWebApi.Models { public class Book { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set…
EF Code First数据库映射规则主要包括以下方面: 1.表名及所有者映射 Data Annotation: 指定表名 1 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;2 3 [Table("Product")]4 public class Product指定表名及用户 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;[Table("Product", Schema = &qu…
这是一位朋友提出的疑问,EF 映射主键可以对应多个外键吗?如果外键设置级联删除会发生什么情况?下面做一个测试,示例实体代码: public class Blog { public Blog() { Post1s = new List<Post1>(); Post2s = new List<Post2>(); } public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Url { get;…
在使用 EF Code First 的时候,我们经常会对项目中的 Entry 进行一对多.多对多的映射配置,这时候就会产生主实体和子实体的概念,我们在添加.修改他们的时候,有时候会产生一些问题,比如添加主实体的时候,我们不想添加子实体,看一个 User-Role 场景: public class User { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Age { get; set; } p…
这里使用相册Album和图片Picture的关系做示例 1,Album与Picture最基本的关系是1-n(一个相册可以有多张图片) 这时Album.Picture实体类可以这么定义 /// <summary> /// 相册 /// </summary> public class Album { public int ID { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 标题 /// </summary> public string Titl…
EF Code First学习笔记 初识Code First EF Code First 学习笔记:约定配置 Entity Framework 复杂类型 Entity Framework 数据生成选项DatabaseGenerated Entity Framework 并发处理 EF Code First 学习笔记:关系 Entity Framework Code First级联删除 EF Code First 学习笔记:表映射 EF Code First学习笔记:数据库创建 Entity Fr…