[转]Rotate a table in reporting services】的更多相关文章

转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9002796/rotate-a-table-in-reporting-services 12down voteaccepted In SSRS 2008, there isn't much difference between rows and columns.* A Table is an instance of a "Tablix" which has the detail group on the ro…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms157328(v=SQL.100).aspx Expressions are used frequently in reports to control content and report appearance. Expressions are written in Microsoft Visual Basic, and can use built-in functions, custom code, glo…
开发Reporting services时,为了避免在导出的Excel文件中出现隐藏的行和列,必须遵循以下规则: 1.Page header中的Textbox直接必须紧密贴合在一起 2.Page header中的Textbox宽度必须和Body中的Textbox宽度一致 3.Page Header中的所有控件和Body之间不允许存在空隙 4.Page Header最上面控件的location必须是0cm 5.Body中布局控件(如:table,matrix,rectangle==)的宽度应该和r…
Your ASP.NET MVC application needs reports. What do you do? In this article, I will demonstrate how simple it is to weave SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) into your ASP.NET MVC Applications. Just about every application deals with data in one for…
最近在做SSRS项目时,遇到这么一个情形:该项目有多个数据库,每个数据库都在不同的服务器,但每个数据库所拥有的数据库对象(table/view/SPs/functions)都是一模一样的,后来结合网络上众多的资源找到了解决方案,即Data Processing Extensio(DPE).所谓DPE,直白地说就是开发自己的DLL去扩展SSRS的数据源,具体的操作如下所示: 1. 新建类库项目,并引入以下两个DLL: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MS…
原文 Display Database Image using MS SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services With the new release of MS SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services has introduced a new feature that will help report developers (Business Intelligence BI professionals) to display imag…
原文:[翻译]初识SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Part 4 这一篇是关于SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services四篇文章中最后一篇: Part 1,提供了创建基本报表的指南 Part 2,介绍了创建动态报表用到的SSRS核心特性和功能 Part 3,完全介绍了嵌入到SSRS中的图表控件 这里,在Part 4,我们把精力放在报表定义语言(RDL)上.RDL的定义在MSDN2给的很好,所以我在引用一下: "A report def…
本文转自:https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/23508.sql-server-reporting-services-timeout-settings.aspx SQL Server Reporting Services - Timeout Settings You can try out the below setting to Troubleshoot the Timeout Errors. 1) Query…
做报表有一段时间,感觉Reporting Services还是比较麻烦的,因为网上的例子有的比较少,很多地方都需要自己摸索,说说我遇到的一些问题 1:页首的设计 一些固定显示的资料放在页首里面比较方便,但是页首有个很不好的地方:不能放table,希望可以设计一个不带数据源的table, 专门用来布局.这样就不用苦逼的一个文本框一个文本框的拖了,还要对齐,最大的影响还是导出excel ,由于表格的限制 ,只要2个文本框有设计的有一些不对齐在excel里面就会出现新行,所以要把每个都对齐. 2:表头…
本文转自:http://blogs.wrox.com/article/creating-mailing-labels-in-sql-server-reporting-services/ Most word processing applications (Word, WordPerfect, and so on) provide the capability to create a “mail merge” from which to generate mailing labels in dif…