Hi xinlu, good afternoon, my name is xx, you can also call me andrew. i'm 31 years old, and i'm from zhejiang province. After graduating from NPU, the software engneering specialty since 2013, i started to work. So now i have more than 5 year's work…
2018-09-22Journeys end in lovers' meeting.漂泊止于爱人的相遇. All extremes of feeling are allied with madness.一切极端的感情都伴随着疯狂. 2018-09-30Nothing that has meaning is easy, easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.有意义的事都不会容易,成年人的生活里没有容易二字. 2018-10-06The challenge fo…
Elasticsearchis a great search engine, flexible, fast and fun. So how can I get started with it? This post will go through how to get contents from a SQL database into Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch has a set of pluggable services called rivers. A rive…
昨天刚刚升的Xcode7.3和iOS9.3,然后没怎么使用这两样就下班了,但是今天早上来了之后,就发现突然之间不能真机测试和运行代码了,一看才发现xcode报错: An App ID with Identifier 'com.XXX.XXX’ is not available. Please enter a different string. 本来以为是证书问题,然后把证书删除,重新加载一遍还是不行,没办法,就求助了度娘.. 功夫不负有心人,再找了一个个方法还有看了stack好多之后,终于找到…