## This Script is used to backup folder/files and delete the old backup files. ## Author: Stefanie ## Last Update Date: 07/10/2013 ## Copyright (c) Stefanie, All Rights Received. # Declare datetime for now $now = get-date # Declare today string: "201…
本文转自:http://sqlindia.com/copy-move-files-folders-using-ole-automation-sql-server/ I love playing around with automation stuff. In a recent automation task, I was to copy or move files and/or folders from one location to another in SQL Server without…
异常提示: gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it. 错误原因: 我在导入以前的项目的时候出现了这个异常,原因是.classpath文件(这个文件在eclipse中是看不到的,必须在文件浏览器中才能看到并编辑)出错,导致eclipse不能识别我的src代码文件夹,需要通过设置来指明源码所在的文件夹. 解决办法: 右键项目,选择Properties——Jav…