Supporting Right-to-Left Languages】的更多相关文章

Introduction I have designed and developed game servers successfully with thrift ( I am writing here some tips to share my experience. I hope that this will help someone who is just trying to solve the same problems that I…
For the most part iOS supports Right-to-Left (RTL) languages such as Arabic with minimal developer effort. Standard UIKit controls take care of switching text alignment and direction automatically as long as you follow some simple guidelines. Handlin…
Supporting Different Languages 支持不同语言 This class teaches you to 这节课教给你 Create Locale Directories and String Files 创建一个本地目录和String文件夹 Use the String Resources 使用String资源 You should also read 你还需要阅读 Localization Checklist 本地清单列表 Localization with Resou…
Supporting Different Devices 支持不同设备 Dependencies and prerequisites 依赖关系和先决条件 Android 1.6 or higher Android 1.6 及其以上版本 You should also read 你还需要阅读 Application Resources 应用程序资源 Designing for Multiple Screens 为不同的屏幕进行设计 Android devices come in many shap…
2014/8/1 12:24:21潘加宇大会2014即将举行 PLoP(Pattern Languages of Programs,程序设计的模式语言) 会议由Hillside Group主办,是软件模式领域最重要的会议.第一届会议于1994年举办,2014年是第21届,将于9月14-17日在Allerton Park举行. 说起模式,被人提起最多的是GoF的23个模式,甚至很多人误解模式就是GoF…
More descriptive way to declare and use a method in programming languages At present, in most programming language, a method is declared in few parts: keyword, method name, method parameters and return type etc. E.g. function int add(int a, int b) \\…
目录 . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 对于很多CMS网站来说,它们都需要保存很多的网站META信息,最常用的最佳实践是以变量声明的形式保存在.php文件中,在需要的时候直接include进来,PHP File Loader会自动将引入文件中的变量注册到当前的代码空间中,供其他的代码直接引用.例如 . phpmyadmin使用config/保存phpmyadmin的配置信息:phpmyadm…
传送门 The Enterprise has encountered a planet that at one point had been inhabited. The only remnant from the prior civilization is a set of texts that was found. Using a small set of keywords found in various different languages, the Enterprise team i…
Computer Science An Overview _J. Glenn Brookshear _11th Edition A subset of the imperative programming languages is the collection of languages known as scripting languages. These languages are typically used to perform administrative tasks rather th… BackgroundWorker Threads and Supporting Cancel…