This is a set of coding conventions and rules for use in JavaScript programming. It is inspired by the Sun document Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. It is heavily modified of course because JavaScript is not Java. The long-term val… Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering Rob Pike Google, Inc. @rob_pike Contents Abstract Introduction Go at Google Pain points De…
It’s been a year since I revealed the best languages to learn in 2013. Once again, I’ve examined the data produced by Jobs Tractor who analyzed more than 45,000 developer jobs advertised on Twitter during the past twelve months. The results: Java 8,7… julia | source | downloads | docs | blog | community | teaching | publications | gsoc | juliacon | rss Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to…
Contents Tutorial Hello, World Command-Line Arguments Finding Duplicate Lines A Web Server Loose Ends Program Structure Names Declarations Variables Assignments Type Declarations Packages and Files Scope Basic Data Types Integers Floating-Point Numbe…
高级语言 高级语言(High-level programming language)相对于机器语言(machine language,是一种指令集的体系.这种指令集,称机器码(machine code),是电脑的CPU可直接解读的数据)而言.是高度封装了的编程语言,与低级语言相对.它是以人类的日常语言为基础的一种编程语言,使用一般人易于接受的文字来表示(例如汉字.不规则英文或其他外语),从而使程序编写员编写更容易,亦有较高的可读性,以方便对电脑认知较浅的人亦可以大概明白其内容.由于早期电脑业的发…
probably Unix Shell scripts, Perl, or Python and R can be the best options. ---------- 1-python 2-R 3-perl ---------- I would say, Python AND R. Although, just python would be sufficient already, it has great capabilities (including bioinformatics li…
引用:Java Programming Language Enhancements Java Programming Language Enhancements Enhancements in Java SE 7 Binary Literals - In Java SE 7, the integral types (byte, short, int, and long) can also be expressed using the binary number system. To specif…
Questions that are independent of programming language.  These questions are typically more abstract than other categories. Free Language Agnostic Programming Books 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know Algorithms and Data-Structures (PDF) Algorithm…
Java语言编码规范(Java Code Conventions) 名称 Java语言编码规范(Java Code Conventions) 译者 晨光(Morning) 简介 本文档讲述了Java语言的编码规范,较之陈世忠先生<c++编码规范>的浩繁详尽,此文当属短小精悍了.而其中所列之各项条款,从编码风格,到注意事项,不单只Java,对于其他语言,也都很有借鉴意义.因为简短,所以易记,大家不妨将此作为handbook,常备案头,逐一对验. 声明 如需复制.传播,请附上本声明,谢谢.原文出处…