Convert CString to ANSI string in UNICODE projects Quick Answer: use an intermediate CStringA. Normally, this is not something that should be done. *It is technically unreliable, unless you can guarantee that the source CString to be converted does n…
转换\uXXXX if Python3.x: str.decode no longer exists in 3.x. that']s why Python 3.4: str : AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode is thrown. Unicode literal string'\uxxxx\uxxxx' is different from string '\uxxxx\uxxxx'. if you don't under…
原文转自 CString和string在unicode与非unicode下的相互转换 最近想写一个手机控制电脑的玩具,涉及到了socket通信,数据采用json通用格式,首先是jsoncpp的编译问题太烦了,然后还有更烦的,java中的String多容易的玩意儿,然后到了c/c++/mfc中超级烦,搜索了很久的攻略,用了大把的时间,最后写了个这玩意儿出来,或许可以帮助到一些需要此的道…
Quote from: CString is a very useful MFC class for string management. But, sometimes we want to convert CString data to TCHAR or something. here is one small code snippet for performing…
MFC中CString 与 std::string 相互转化 CString实际是CStringT, 也就是模板类, 在UNICODE环境下,实际是CStringW, 在多字符集环境下,实际是CStringA std::string就是多字符集的. UNICODE环境下 CStringW-->std::string CString实际是CStringW,要转换成多字符集,需进行转码.使用WideCharToMultiByte 转换成多字符集,然后再构造std::string std::strin…
最近工作用到,就写个小demo demo实现从assets中利用typeface调用不同字体,并在editText中显示出来 1.layout中创建activity_main.xml文件 布局代码如下: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:la…
DateTimeFormatInfo pattern = new DateTimeFormatInfo() { ShortDatePattern = "your date pattern" };DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime("your date string",pattern);…
LL(1)分析法实验的mfc做到最后因为CString转化为string的问题卡了一个多小时,也是惨,网上各种方法找过都不行.幸亏最后还是找到几行代码搞定了.特此mark一下. USES_CONVERSION; char* s_char = W2A(m_in); inString = s_char;…
1.错误描述 五月 27, 2014 12:07:05 上午 freemarker.log.JDK14LoggerFactory$JDK14Logger error 严重: Template processing error: "Can't convert the date to string, because it is not known which parts of the date variable are in use. Use ?date, ?time or ?datetime bu…
pywinauto: 导入时遇到 "TypeError: LoadLibrary() argument 1 must be string, not unicode" 经查询, 看到了同样的问题, 在stackoverflow上面, pywinauto import error for python 2.7 - Stack Overflow…