slam_karto ROS Wiki: Source: Reliance: open_karto - fetch_gazebo - pr2_navigation -…
1. login ssh fetch@<robot ip or robot name> 2.  set robot master modify .bashrc in robot's computer using ssh export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<robot ip or robot name>:11311 export ROS_IP=<robot ip> modify .bashrc in local computer export RO…
Running Rosbridge Description: This tutorial shows you how to launch a rosbridge server and talk to it. Keywords: rosbridge, roslibjs, teleoperation, Robot Web Tools Tutorial Level: BEGINNER Contents Installing Rosbridge Running Rosbridge Talking to…
 生产者-消费者问题是经典的并发问题, 非常适合并发入门的编程练习.  生产者-消费者问题是指, 有若干个生产者和若干个消费者并发地读写一个或多个共享存储空间:生产者创建对象并放入到共享存储空间,消费者从共享存储空间取出对象进行消费处理.当共享存储空间为满时,生产者被阻塞:当共享存储空间为空时,消费者被阻塞.本文先使用一个自定义的有限长度字符序列缓冲区来作为共享存储空间,并使用原生的 wait 和 notify 机制来实现并发读写: 接着使用 Java 并发库提供的 BlockQueue 来实现…
I reinstalled my ubuntu system and also ROS. I tested slam_karto package when some strange error came out. I still cannot explain it for now. 'vector' in namespace 'std' does not name a type located in /opt/ros/indigo/include/ros/console.h Fixed by:…
JSON-RPC for Java This project aims to provide the facility to easily implement JSON-RPC for the java programming language. jsonrpc4j uses the Jackson library to convert java objects to and f…
 oracle 之数据字典屣履造门.(更新中)       今天是2013-06-20,哎,写这篇笔记的时候,我发现我是一个非常懒惰的人,这篇文章本该昨天就完成的,想起了钱鹤滩的<明日歌>,真是“世人若被明日累,春去秋来老将至”.      oracle数据字典包括四部分,分别是RDBMS(X$),数据字典表.动态性能视图(v$)和数据字典视图. 1)RDBMS(X$)内部 表: 该部分内容是oracle最低层的表数据,这些表维持着oracle的整个视图,就像我们人体的血液在我们人体流动维持生…
package rpg.stage.path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import rpg.objs.Point; public class BFinding { public BFinding() { } protected HashSet<Point> openList = new HashSet<Point>(); protected H…
详细内容需要参考文档:Oracle 11i Advanced Pricing-Don't Customize, Extend! utl: Oracle Advanced Pricing - Version 11.5.8 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for rele…
TurtleBot TurtleBot combines popular off-the-shelf robot components like the iRobot Create, Yujin Robot's Kobuki, Microsoft's Kinect and Asus' Xtion Pro into an integrated development platform for ROS applications. For more information about hardware…
java.util下有一个Comparator(比较器) 它拥有compare(),用来比较两个方法. 要生成比较器,则用Sort中Sort(List,List(Compate)) 第二种方法更灵活,且在运行的时候不用编译. 注意:要想实现comparTo()就必须在主方法中写上implement comparable. package TomTexts; public class TomTexts_08 { public static void print(char c){ System.ou…
So what is a Bean, in JavaEE, any class expect Entity are Bean. One usefully thing in Bean is Dependency injection. Just like Angular, it is just a Class. package com.pluralsight.bookstore.utils; public class TextUtil { public String sanitize(String…
最近在公司推行Docker Swarm集群的过程中,需要用到Jenkins来做自动化部署,Jenkins实现自动化部署有很多种方案,可以直接在jenkins页面写Job,把一些操作和脚本都通过页面设置,也可以在每个项目中直接写Pipeline脚本,但像我那么优秀,那么追求极致的程序员来说,这些方案都打动不了我那颗骚动的心,下面我会跟你们讲讲我是如何通过Pipeline脚本实现自动化部署方案的,并且实现多分支构建,还实现了所有项目共享一个Pipeline脚本. 使用Jenkins前的一些设置 为了…
206. Reverse Linked List Easy Reverse a singly linked list. Example: Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL Output: 5->4->3->2->1->NULL Follow up: A linked list can be reversed either iteratively or recursively. Could you implement both?…
第三篇 给view绑定一下方法响应. (补充:1.被绑定的方法必须是public的.   1.绑定方法可以用主语法.也可以用以下双冒号方式“::” android:onClick="@{presenter::onClick}" ) 第一步:定义个响应的类. 对view的点击响应,我直接implement onclicklistener package; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Toas…
一. 安装依赖包 yum install -y wget yum install -y gcc-c++ yum install -y zlib-devel perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker yum -y install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker yum install -y openssh-clients yum install…
[k8s实战一]Jenkins 部署应用到 Kubernetes 01 本文主旨 目标是演示整个Jenkins从源码构建镜像到部署镜像到Kubernetes集群过程. 为了简化流程与容易重现文中效果,做出如下操作: 使用 VBox 创建两台虚拟机 使用 Minikube 初始化简单的k8s集群 使用 GitHub 作为代码仓库,本文内容所有配置文件均会上传至此仓库 02 CI/CD流程 根据我画的这张图,Jenkin…
说明 通过jenkins构建java应用程序发布到k8s集群中 本文已一个大数据的java项目来演示构建部署过程 支持发布和回滚 支持一套模板应用不同项目 k8s基础准备 创建项目名称空间 [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl create ns architect namespace/architect created [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl label namespace architect istio-injection=enabled…
基础镜像 FROM 基础镜像 基础镜像的选择非常关键: 如果关注的是镜像的安全和大小,那么一般会选择 Alpine: 如果关注的是应用的运行稳定性,那么可能会选择 Ubuntu.Debian.CentOS. 构建上下文与.gitignore 真正的镜像构建工作是由服务器端的"Docker daemon"来完成的,所以"docker"客户端就只能把"构建上下文"目录打包上传(显示信息 Sending build context to Docker…
问题 按照 ZKEACMS 运行命令 dotnet tool install --global ZKEACMS.Publisher 提示 Failed to install tool package 'ZKEACMS.Publisher': Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Christer\.dotnet\tools\.store\.stage\0qd2mqpa.m45\ZKEACMS.Publisher'. Tool 'ZKEACMS.P…
example: download_etcher_cli(){ local url="" local hash="54709ad34ac304d2686130c7d22a3bc13b4f491387d987274eeca4f6eea34dce" local filename=${ur…
神经网络的实践笔记 link: 1. 生成训练数据 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 神经网络中有关# 矩阵的运算我们采用NumPy来构建,# 画图使用Matplotlib来构建. # Part 1, create training data # Define the vect…
Author: Emmanuel Goossaert 翻译 This article is a short guide to implementing an algorithm from a scientific paper. I have implemented many complex algorithms from books and scientific publications, and this article sums up what I have learned while se…
stage:最顶层舞台root:stage的下一级舞台,属于第二层舞台(继承自DisplayObject)this:当前的对象(如果是主时间轴上的this,那它就是root) 继承方面:Stage -> DisplayObjectContainer -> InteractiveObject -> DisplayObject -> EventDispatcher -> Object 可用下面的类来说明彼此的关系:package{   import flash.display.S…
This package provides the core SAX APIs. Some SAX1 APIs are deprecated to encourage integration(集成:综合) of namespace-awareness into designs of new applications and into maintenance of existing infrastructure. See for more inf…
A small coding test that I encountered today. Question Using only primitive types, implement a fixed-size hash map that associates string keys with arbitrary data object references (you don't need to copy the object). Your data structure should be op…
现在这几篇写的都是比较基础的东西,有过相应开发经验的朋友可直接忽略啦. 计算机模拟的动画都是由很多静态的一连串影像(sprite)在一定帧率(fps)内逐帧播放出来的. 对于js来说,我们可以用提供的定时器(setInterval或setTimeout,两者其实都可以),制造一个逐帧播放的舞台现场(stage),每一帧清空画布后再把所有的精灵全画上去,下一帧再清再画,只要改变精灵的相应属性就能产生动画的效果.所以我们对于精灵(Sprite)类来说,要提供一个画(draw)的方法,一个进入每一帧时…
Previously in this series: The beta distribution Empirical Bayes estimation Credible intervals The Bayesian approach to false discovery rates Bayesian A/B testing Beta-binomial regression Understanding empirical Bayesian hierarchical modeling Mixture…
Every now and again someone comes along and writes an R package that I consider to be a 'game changer' for the language and it's application to Data Science. For example, I consider dplyr one such package as it has made data munging/manipulation that…
致谢源代码网址: kamtoa simulation学习与示例分析(一) 源码学习与分析是学习ROS,包括RVIZ和Gazebo等必须的过程,大量代码的阅读能够提高加快理解熟练使用ROS Kinetic. 首先,先看文件组织: 一般README中有详细的使用说明,包括安装,使用和示例教程. CMakeLists.txt: # toplevel CMakeLists.txt for a catkin w…