Dev401-020:Visualforce Pages: Introduction to Visualforce Course Objectives1.Understand the benefits of using static resources and use them in pages.2.Construct partial page refreshes using AJAX with Visualforce tags.3.Create simple custom components…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Performance Counter 是量化系统状态或活动的一个数值,Windows Performance Monitor在一定时间间隔内(默认的取样间隔是15s)获取Performance Counter的当前值,并记录在Data Collections中,通过Performance Monitor能够查看系统的性能数据,是故障排除的极佳工具.Performance Counter数量很多,如果不了解计数器的功能,在选择计数器时,往往不知所措.由于SQL Server 是IO密集型的应用程…
转载自:   The world is full of creativity and whatever be the arena of development passion and determination are the key ingredients for achieving higher goals. And if it…    黑客攻防实战入门与提高.pdf    黑客入门新手特训.pdf    黑客与设计-剖析设计之美的秘密(彩印).pdf    鸟哥的LINUX私房菜:服务器架设篇 (第二版).pdfhttp…
原文:SQL Server 2008 R2 性能计数器详细列表(二) SQL Server Buffer Partition 对象: 提供计数器来监视 SQL Server 如何使用可用页 SQL Server Buffer Partition 计数器 说明 Free list empty/sec 每秒钟请求但无法提供可用页的次数. Free list requests/sec 每秒请求可用页的次数. Free pages 所有可用列表的总页数. SQL Server CLR 对象: 监视 Mi…
这个就是浏览器后台所进行操作的地方了,它就是页面也区块链进行交互的中间部分. metamask-background描述了为web扩展单例的文件app/scripts/background.js.该上下文实例化了一个MetaMask控制器的实例,该实例表示用户的帐户.到区块链的连接以及与新Dapps的交互. Since background.js is essentially the Extension setup file, we can see it doing all the things…
google搜索小技巧 一.总结 一句话总结:But most people may not be using Google search to its full potential.Want to use Google search more efficiently and get the search results you want quickly? 例如 ipod 80G"ipod 80G""ipod 80G" + "on sale"ip…
Complete list of Microsoft SQL Server trace flags (585 trace flags) REMEMBER: Be extremely careful with trace flags, test in your test environment first. And consult professionals first if you are the slightest uncertain about the effects of your cha…