From: Donald Knuth - My advice to young people (93/97) 译者: 李秋豪 原文 Donald Knuth (b. 1938), American computing pioneer, is known for his greatly influential multi-volume work, 'The Art of Computer Programming', his novel 'Surreal Numbers', his inventio…
李开复说,练内功,不要仅仅花功夫学习各种流行的编程语言和工具,以及一些公司招聘广告上要求的科目.要把数据结构.算法.数据库.操作系统原理.计算机体系结构.计算机网络,离散数学等基础课程学好.最好还是试试Donald Knuth的Art of Computer Programming里的题目,假设你可以解决当中的大部分题目,就说明你在算法方面的功力不错了. Donald Knuth自传的开头这样写道:"Donald Knuth真的仅仅是一个人么?"作为世界顶级计算机科学家之中的一个.Kn… I took a note of what knuth said in the video. 1. Don't disbelief that because something is trandy, something is good. I probably go the other extreme, if I find too many people adopt an idea, I probably th…
Indexes and search engines These sites provide indexes and search engines for Go packages: gowalker gosearch Sourcegraph Contributing To edit this page you must be a contributor to the go-wiki project. To get contributor access, send mail t…
原文: 为什么必须管理内存 内存管理是计算机编程最为基本的领域之一.在很多脚本语言中,您不必担心内存是如何管理的,这并不能使得内存管理的重要性有一点点降低.对实际编程来说,理解您的内存管理器的能力与局限性至关重要.在大部分系统语言中,比如 C 和 C++,您必须进行内存管理.本文将介绍手工的.半手工的以及自动的内存管理实践的基本概念. 追溯到在 Apple II 上进行汇编语言编程的时代,那…