Python/C API Reference Manual¶ Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter¶ Abstract: Reference counting: 1) Stealing a reference means that when you pass a reference…
This blog is just shown for the most simple basic of internet programming based on two different machines sharing the same local net.While the client sends data to server, server just sends back data with timestamps Server (1)Parameter configure impo…
@echo off REM Current DevProg Version. Match the pip package version (x.y.z)SET currentversion=0.4.0 REM Installation paths. If copying this to a new product, you MUST edit the last parts of venvdir and shortcuts!SET basedir=C:\GDNVirtualEnvs  // ins…
本文介绍使用Python进行Socket网络编程,假设读者已经具备了基本的网络编程知识和Python的基本语法知识,本文中的代码如果没有说明则都是运行在Python 3.4下. Python的socket功能封装在socket库中,要使用socket,记得先import socket,socket库的详细介绍参见官方文档. 创建Socket 首先创建一个socket,使用socket库中得socket函数创建. import socket # create an INET, STREAM soc…
目录 Building Hybrid Systems with Boost.Python 摘要(Abstract) 介绍(Introduction) 设计目标 (Boost.Python Design Goals) Hello Boost.Python World 库概述 (Library Overview) 导出类 (Exposing Classes) 序列化 Serialization 对象接口 Object interface 考虑混合编程 Thinking hybrid 开发历史 Dev…
"Life is short, you need Python!" Python (British pronunciation:/ˈpaɪθən/ American pronunciation:/ˈpaɪθɑːn/)), is an object-oriented computer programming language, literal translation, with nearly 20 years of development history. It contains a s…
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Getting Started with Python Getting Started with Python is the first course in the specialization Python for Everybody. It covers Chapters 1-5 of the textbook Python for Informatics, which is the same material as the first half of the course Programm…