DB2表空间扩容 1 - Detect what tablespace has size issues db2 list tablespaces show detail 2 - Check the percentage of use from the tablespace db2 list tablespace containers for <tablespace_id> show detail 3 - Calculating the size of free space needed Now…
DB2的备份恢复有点坑,当源系统和目标系统的路径设置不同时,要手动进行重定向恢复,本文是我一次实战操作之后总结的过程,仅供参考. 一.发出重定向恢复命令 DB2 RESTORE DB TO "C:" INTO NEWDB REDIRECT 其中,OLDDB是旧数据库.备份的数据库名称,NEWDB是新数据库名称,不用事先创建也可以,C:\OLDDBbak是备份文件放置的目录,20150717164847是 备份文件的时间戳,具体可看备份文件的名字OLDDB.0.DB2.NODE0000.…
默认DB2 缓冲池信息监控是OFF, 需要开启(DB2表空间是由缓冲池分配的) CollBufferpool : ============ The CollBufferpool collector collects information for the DB2UDB_BUFFERPOOL application class and provides the values for monitoring DB2 buffer pools. Note: For the CollBufferpool…
Db2 connect to xxx Db2 “LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL” Tablespace ID = 7 Name = TSASNAA Type = Database managed space Contents = All permanent data. Large table space. State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation:[@more@] Normal Total pages = 14800 Useable pag…
1. 测试过程中,发现 system tablespace is not enough, need to adjustment 初步解决方案: 查询一下 system tablespace的大小 SQL> select sum(bytes) from dba_free_space where tablespace_name='SYSTEM'; 查询结果输出是bytes,我要切换为M,方便查看 SQL> select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as "size:…