Undo自动管理与手动管理 undo段自动管理SQL> show parameter undo_management 将undo段改为手工管理SQL> alter system set undo_management=manual scope=spfile;SQL> startup force; SQL> show parameter undoSQL> select * from v$rollname; SQL> create undo tablespace undot…
查询优化器统计信息 搜集统计信息: 不是实时的: SQL> conn /as sysdbaConnected.SQL> grant select on dba_objects to scott; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn scott/tigerConnected.SQL> create table t as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select NUM_ROWS,BLOCKS f…
Objectives: •Describe your role as a database administrator (DBA) and explain typical tasks and tools The approach for designing, implementing, and maintaining an Oracle database involves the following tasks:1. Evaluating the database server hardware…
Objectives: List the major architectural components of Oracle DatabaseExplain the memory structuresDescribe the background processesCorrelate the logical and physical storage structuresDescribe ASM storage components 三种连接方式 直接登录serverClient(PL/SQL De…
Objectives:Describe the benefits of using ASMManage the ASM instanceCreate and drop ASM disk groupsExtend ASM disk groupsRetrieve ASM metadata by using various utilitiesUsing SQL*PlusSELECT * FROM v$asm_alias, v$asm_fileUsing asmcmdASMCMD> ls -l +DAT…