Get started with Docker for Mac 首先像在本博客docker-1-环境安装及例子实践处将环境安装好,或者你可以查看 Install Docker for Mac Check versions查看你安装的docker的版本 Ensure your versions of docker, docker-compose, and docker-machine are up-to-date an…
link是过时的了,尽量不要用. dns内部集成,也可以用外部. expose只是用于记录,并不真的. publish是否起作用,也要看情况,是否被占用端口. -------------------------------------- Embedded DNS server Docker daemon runs an embedded DNS server which provides DNS resolution among containers connected to the same…
In Spring, the objects that form the backbone of your application and that are managed by the Spring IoC container are called beans. 在Spring中,构成应用程序的主干并由 Spring IOC 容器管理的对象称为 bean.bean计算机中也称可重用组件 bean是一个由Spring IoC容器实例化,组装和管理的对象.否则,bean只是应用程序中许多对象之一.…