128down voteaccepted It really depends on what your input is. If you look at the implementation of the Decode method of json.Decoder, it buffers the entire JSON value in memory before unmarshalling it into a Go value. So in most cases it won't be any…
记录个报错: 问题描述: 经过服务器生成图片返到前台时,在火狐浏览器中下载图片或打开图片时报错:SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data 经分析是服务器配置的问题,缺少了能够解析json的配置信息,导致浏览器向服务器发出请求时,服务器不能处理html文件里面的js引用,所以一直在loading状态,而不能返回html页面. 网上搜了一下,解决方案是,在nginx的配置信息里加…