TensorFlow 便捷的实现机器学习 三 MNIST 卷积神经网络 Fly Overview Enabling Logging with TensorFlow Configuring a ValidationMonitor for Streaming Evaluation Evaluating Every N Steps Customizing the Evaluation Metrics Early Stopping with ValidationMonitor Visualizing L…
People commonly tend to put much effort on hyperparameter tuning and training while using Tensoflow&Deep Learning. A realistic problem for TF is how to integrate models into industry: saving pre-trained models, restoring them when necessary, and doin…
From: TensorFlow Object Detection API This chapter help you to train your own model to identify objects required. 1. Data 1.1 Get your own data 标准的范例,从ImageNet上获取数据集 Get your own data from ImageNet Download tiny-imagenet-200.zip, which is smaller tha…
一.前期准备 Prepare protoc Download Protocol Buffers Create folder: protoc and unzip it. unsw@unsw-UX303UB$ ls models Others protoc train_data unsw@unsw-UX303UB$ ls protoc/ bin include readme.txt unsw@unsw-UX303UB$ ls protoc/bin/ protoc Prepare model Down…