Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations using Videos Note here: it's a learning note on Prof. Gupta's novel work published on ICCV2015. It's really exciting to know how unsupervised learning method can contribute to learn visual representatio…
Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporally Coherent Metrics Note here: it's a learning note on the topic of unsupervised learning on videos, a novel work published by Yann LeCun's group. Link: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6056.pdf Motivation: Temporal co…
Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using LSTMs Note here: it's a learning notes on new LSTMs architecture used as an unsupervised learning way of video representations. (More unsupervised learning related topics, you can refer to: Learnin…
Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction Note here: it's a learning note on unsupervised learning model from Prof. Gupta's group. Link:…
原文:[翻译]我钟爱的Visual Studio前端开发工具/扩展 怎么样让Visual Studio更好地编写HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery,换句话说就是如何更好地做前端开发.Visual Studio 2010不管是旗舰版还是免费版都没有对前端开发方面做充分的优化.不要希望VS默认安装这些东西,我们有很多VS的扩展可是使用.这篇帖子里你可以看到有一组我喜爱的扩展和工具能让Visual Studio在web开发方面更简单,我只是集中在我安装和使用过的一些工具,如…
1 题目 <A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations> 作者: Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Mohammad Norouzi, Geoffrey Hinton 2 介绍 本文主要介绍 SimCLR框架. 定义: SimCLR:一个简单的视觉表示对比学习框架,不仅比以前的工作更出色,而且也更简单,既不需要专门的架构,也不需要储存库. 性能: 在 $ImageNet$ 上大…
目录 概 主要内容 流程 projection head g constractive loss augmentation other 代码 Chen T., Kornblith S., Norouzi M., Hinton G. A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations. arXiv: Learning, 2020. @article{chen2020a, title={A Simple Fram…
中文译文:深度学习.自然语言处理和表征方法 http://blog.jobbole.com/77709/ 英文原文:Deep Learning, NLP, and Representations http://colah.github.io/posts/2014-07-NLP-RNNs-Representations/ 总结: 这篇文章中主要提到了单层神经网络,单词嵌入(word embeddings),表征这几个概念,结合具体的实例,写的是通俗易懂,在引用参考文献的位置都给出了对应的链接,一些…
[论文标题]CoupledCF: Learning Explicit and Implicit User-item Couplings in Recommendation for Deep Collaborative Filtering  (IJCAI-2018 ) [论文作者]Quangui Zhang, Longbing Cao,Chengzhang Zhu,Zhiqiang Li,Jinguang Sun [论文链接]Paper (7-pages // Double column) [摘要…
[论文标题]List-wise learning to rank with matrix factorization for collaborative filtering   (RecSys '10 recsys.ACM ) [论文作者] Yue ShiDelft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Martha LarsonDelft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Alan Ha…