330. Patching Array--Avota】的更多相关文章

Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the array. Return the minimum number of patches required. Example…
Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the array. Return the minimum number of patches required. Example…
Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the array. Return the minimum number of patches required. Example…
引用原文:http://blog.csdn.net/murmured/article/details/50596403 但感觉原作者的解释中存在一些错误,这里加了一些自己的理解 Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/patching-array/ 题目: Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the arr…
问题描述: Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the array. Return the minimum number of patches required. E…
Given a sorted positive integer array nums and an integer n, add/patch elements to the array such that any number in range [1, n] inclusive can be formed by the sum of some elements in the array. Return the minimum number of patches required. Example…
/** * nums的所有元素,假设最大能连续形成[1,sum] 当增加一个element的时候 * 会变成 [1,sum] [element+1,sum+element]两个区间,这两个区间有以下可能性: * 1 相交: element < sum * 2 连续: element = sum 是保持连续,并使得加的元素最少的最大值 * 3 相离: element > sum 大于sum就不连续了 * */ private int minPatches(int[] nums, int n) {…
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