Specifying Your Library’s Interface The most important aspect to define before implementing a dynamic li…
Bionic libc doesn't load dependencies for current .so file (diff from Windows or Linux) so a explicit calling of Java's System.loadLibrary() is needed, in order to load depedency libraries. otherwise the original .so will fail to load. JNI_OnLoad wil…
src: Question: I have a dynamic library which I load using dlopen() and then unload using dlclose(); If I dont include any objective c code dlopen() needs one d…
Database Design Guidelines Principles Support popular databases Name Style Table Name Style: Pascal Example: Employee It is fine that you may use the singular style or plural style. But singular style is preferred here. Column Name Style: Pascal Exam… A simple dynamic library implemented in C# 4.0 to deal with XML structure Assume the following XML sample: _sampleXml = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1"…