RPMForge——Quick Start build system】的更多相关文章

How to setup multimedia on CentOS-5 CentOS ships with basic sound support for audio content encoded with codecs for a variety of sound formats, including .wav and .ogg files. The alsa-utils and sox audio players are included for a TUI (CLI) environme…
有时候需要用运行一段 PHP 代码,比如测试某个函数返回值等等,如果启动 Http Server,再打开浏览器,那黄花菜都凉了.我们可以在 Sublime Text 3 中创建 PHP 的 build system,这样就可以利用 Ctrl+B 命令快速运行. 1.设置环境变量 通过win+R输入sysdm.cpl打开系统属性 通过计算机右击->属性->高级系统配置 选择高级->环境变量 然后将PHP可执行程序路径设置到环境变量 path 即可 2.创建PHP编译系统 添加 PHP 的…
归类一些Android build system 相关的知识. http://elinux.org/Android_Build_System make <local_module> - make a specific module Adding a new program to build…
Gradle: The New Android Build System Google selected Gradle as the foundation of the Android SDK build system because it provides flexibility along with the ability to define common standards for Android builds. With Gradle, Android developers can us…
This will guide you through the steps to write your first uiautomator test using gradle as it build system. What is gradle? “Gradle combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effectiv…
转自: http://blog.csdn.net/wangbin_jxust/article/details/8911956 最近开始学习LUA语言,使用Sublime Text作为编辑器,不得不说,对于编辑脚本语言来说,Sublime Text已经很强大了. 1.点击工具栏,Tool->Build System->New Build System我这里已经添加过lua的Build System了,所以能看到已经勾选lua选项了.     2.在新建的脚本文件中添加以下代码 { "c…
原文网址:http://hualang.iteye.com/blog/1141315 Android build system就是编译系统的意思 在我们需要向自己编译的源代码中增加模块的时候,需要一些规则,当然这个规则都是类似的. Android.mk文件解析 让我们来看一个 Android.mk 文件的样子 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE :=Hello LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hel…
The Contiki build system======================== The Contiki build system is designed to make it easy to compile Contikiapplications for different hardware platforms or into a simulation platform bysimply supplying different parameters to the make co…
首先要有个MinGW(我这里借用ceemple的编译器 ,mingw32) 设置环境变量 右击我的电脑,点属性->高级->环境变量. 在系统环境变量在PATH里加入D:\Ceemple\mingw32\bin(具体路径请根据你的MinGW选择); 新建LIBRARY_PATH变量,如果有的话,在值中加入D:\Ceemple\mingw32\lib; 新建C_INCLUDEDE_PATH变量,值设为D:\Ceemple\mingw32\include; (可以测试下,cmd->g++ -v…
近期准备实习,于是终于步入了sublime的阵营,sublime确实性感. 在配置win7下C++编译运行集成环境的时候遇到点问题,于是接触了一下JSON格式,最后终于自己搞定了.. 参考文档:http://sublime-text.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/build_systems.html 其实最终是在C++.sublime-build里写以下东西就好了(tools->build system->new build system) { &qu…