1.PI连接管理器 2.标记搜索 3.当前值…
Open source and free log analysis and log management tools. Maintained by Dr. Anton Chuvakin Version 1 created 3/3/2010 Version 1.1 updated 4/15/2010 Version 1.2 updated 10/1/2010 Version 1.3 updated 3/3/2011 This page lists a few popular free open-s…
Data Management ObjectivesBy the end o this module, you should understand the fundamentals of data management, including:1.Explain typical data management operations.2.Describe typical user cases for inserting system fields.3.List the ways to obtain…
ev401-018:Data Management: Data management ToolsModule Objectives1.List objects exposed in the import wizards.2.List some objects not exposed in the import wizards.3.List some capabilities of API-based tools that the import wizards do not have.4.Stat…
实例:串口监视 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Management; namespace Watcher { class GetPorts  //串口监视 { private ManagementEventWatcher watcher;//设备事件监视 public void Ad…
[转]   SYS.SYSTEM.DBSNMP. Oracle 数据库中 SYS.SYSTEM.DBSNMP.SYSMAN 四用户的区别 用户: SYS 用户: SYS,默认密码为 CHANGE_ON_INSTALL,当创建一个数据库时,SYS 用户将被默认 创建并授予 DBA 角色,所有数据库数据字典中的基本表和视图都存储在名为 SYS 的方案中,这些基本表和视图对于 Oracle 数据库的操作时非常重要的.为了维 护数据字典的真实性,SYS 方案中的表只能由系统来维护,他们不能被任何用户 或…
Recently researched about database SQL scripts auto management tools, recorded the results here. Researched 3 tools used a lot from internet surfing, as well as posts and blogs of other developers. DBdeploy http://dbdeploy.com/ This is a Ant plugin t…
https://github.com/kingAnyWHere/web-ftp web-ftp 一款功能强悍的web磁盘管理工具 (A powerful web disk management tools) 快捷操作 alt + o 打开文件夹 alt + n 新建文件夹 alt + m 配置web-ftp alt + w / alt + x 关闭文件夹 alt + d 选中该路径 ctrl + a 全选 ctrl + c 复制 ctrl + x 剪切 ctrl + v 粘贴 (也可粘贴截图)…
如果用HP的启动光盘进行系统安装时,HP SMH 及相关组件会自动安装完成,但如果是用操作系统光盘进行系统安装,则HP SMH相关组件需要手动进行安装及相关设置!HP SMH由三部分组成:HP System management homepage.HP Insight management Agents.HP Insight Diagnostics,作用分别是:管理主页.管理代理工具.诊断及日志收集工具. 1. HP System management homepage 在HP网站或是光盘上,找…
public static void InvokeSystemPS(string cmd) { List<string> ps = new List<string>(); ps.Add("Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"); ps.Add("Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"); ps.Add("& " + cmd)…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_Management_Interface Desktop Management Interface From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     Not to be confused with SMBIOS. The Desktop Management Interface (DMI) generates a standard framework for managing and tr…
An approach is provided in a hypervised computer system where a page table request is at an operating system running in the hypervised computer system. The operating system determines whether the page table request requires the hypervisor to process.…
A system management mode (SMM) of operating a processor includes only a basic set of hardwired hooks or mechanisms in the processor for supporting SMM. Most of SMM functionality, such as the processing actions performed when entering and exiting SMM,…
System performance tools ============ End…
提供对大量管理信息和管理事件集合的访问,这些信息和事件是与根据 Windows 管理规范 (WMI) 结构对系统.设备和应用程序设置检测点有关的.应用程序和服务可以使用从 ManagementObjectSearcher 和 ManagementQuery 派生的类,查询感兴趣的管理信息(例如在磁盘上还剩多少可用空间.当前 CPU 利用率是多少.某一应用程序正连接到哪一数据库等等):或者应用程序和服务可以使用 ManagementEventWatcher 类预订各种管理事件.这些可访问的数据可以…
本人忘性太大,竟然将ORACLE的Sys用户和system用户密码搞忘,而且多次尝试登录system后,造成system被锁定. 经过一番尝试,终于解决.过程如下: 首先,重建sys密码文件.重建方式为: 1.打开cmd命令窗口: 2.执行orapwd命令,其用法为: C:\WINDOWS\system32>orapwd Usage: orapwd file=<fname> entries=<users> force=<y/n> ignorecase=<y/…
absolute : to specify an absolute time for a time-range (in time-range configuration mode) no absolute buffer-length : to specify the maximum length of the data stream to be forwarded (in line configuration mode) no buffer-length buffers : to make ad…
这些表格有存储数据相关的状态和 Confluence 站点的相关配置信息. confversion 被用来在升级系统的时候确定那个数据库的版本应该使用,这个表格只对数据库升级有影响. plugindata 记录系统安装所有的插件的版本和时间.data 是一个 blob 字段,是插件使用的 JAR 文件,这个通常在集群使用的时候存储. https://www.cwiki.us/display/CONF6ZH/Confluence+Data+Model…
数据管理工具 1.LAS数据集 # Process: LAS 数据集统计数据 arcpy.LasDatasetStatistics_management("", "SKIP_EXISTING_STATS", 输出统计数据报告文本文件, "DATASET", "COMMA", "DECIMAL_POINT") # Process: 从 LAS 数据集中移除文件 arcpy.RemoveFilesFromLas…
(数据管理工具)<二> 点击跳转(数据管理工具)<一> 16.打包 # Process: 共享包 arcpy.SharePackage_management("", "<未登录 ArcGIS.com.>", "*****", "", "", "", "MYGROUPS", "") # Process: 创建地图切…
因本地Oracle数据库安装久远,不知道连接账号密码,查阅了一些资料最终修改成功,Mark up! 1 在开始菜单找到Oracle服务,打开SQL plus 2 输入命令连接到数据库并修改部分用户密码 3 最终可以使用修改后的账号密码连接上数据库…
program 描述     RSBDCOS0 执行 OS 命令 (已登录在 SYSLOG 和跟踪文件中)                            …
1.首先定义个class. 弄完以后可以使用http://IP地址:8088/seeyon/services/sapService?wsdl  进行导出,部署在哪个服务器就用哪个服务器的IP地址 private java.lang.String HTTPS_Port_address = "https://"+AppContext.getSystemProperty("kk.sapIp")+":50001/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServl…
Posted by Jianpeng Mo / January 20, 2014 Monitoring and maintaining large-scale, complex, highly distributed and interconnected systems can be extremely challenging for network administrators. Traditional IT management approaches are ill-equipped to…
Documentation | AnsibleWorks   Welcome to the Ansible documentation! Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.…
How Autofs Works Autofs is a client-side service that automatically mounts the appropriate file system. When a client attempts to access a file system that is not presently mounted, the autofs file system intercepts the request and calls automountd t…
一.动态数据库概念 动态数据库(DDL)是做为共享函数库的可执行文件.动态数据库提供了一种方法,使进程可以调用不属于其可执行代码的函数.说白了就是一个.dll可执行文件,其中有可执行代码,进程可以调用该函数. 二.PI实时数据库 PI系统是由OSIsoft 公司开发的基于C/S 和B/S 结构的工厂实时数据集成.应用平台.也就是说是一个应用程序.PI 系统以数据原形的方式长期在线储存工厂所有的生产数据,并满足快速.高效地进行数据采集.存储和显示的要求.应用于电力企业,实时地获取各个实际数据源的原…
参考: http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2013-07-08_raspberry_pi/index.html Raspberry Pi         Get started with Raspberry Pi (RPi), a step by step approach to get your Raspberry Pi with low level electronics hardware control. Make simple, step by step…
elinux.org/Raspberry_Pi_Kernel_Compilation#Use_the_provided_compiler Software & Distributions: Software - an overview. Distributions - operating systems and development environments for the Raspberry Pi. Kernel Compilation - advice on compiling a ker…
How to emulate a Raspberry Pi on your PC I am very interested in trying simulators and emulators for popular IoT devices. One of those is the Raspberry Pi. As I was searching for simulators, I found that one of the best ones is QEMU. I found lots of…