Installing Hadoop on Mac OSX Yosemite Tutorial Part 1. September 23, 2014 Marek 68 Comments Install HomeBrewInstalling HadoopSSH LocalhostConfiguring HadoopStarting and Stopping HadoopGood to know Additional Resources Github Wordcount example. Instal…
Mac OSX中的@executable_path, @load_path和@rpath的理解 原文出处:[24K纯开源] Note: this article is actually about the @executable_path, @load_path and @rpath install paths used by the linker on Mac OS X; wiki titles can't include underscores, however, because they…
1. 先用brew工具安装ctags,安装路径在/user/local/bin The default ctags executable in OSX does not support recursive directory search (i.e. ctags -R). To get a proper copy of ctags, use one of the following options: Using Homebrew: brew install ctags Using MacPort…