The report for triangle problem】的更多相关文章

本次实验主要使用eclipse 编写三角形判定的代码,并用junit进行测试. 1.安装junit和hamcrest 下载junit-4.12.jar和hamcrest-all-1.3.jar 并且拖入到eclipse的新建文件夹中,完成导入. 2.安装Eclemma 选择Help->Eclipse Marketplace->搜索EclEmma,然后进行安装:重启eclipse检查工具栏是否出现Coverage图标,如果存在说明安装成功: 3.三角形检验代码测试结果:…
Lab1 report A) The brief description that you install junit, hamcrest and eclemma. a)  install junit.hamcrest: 方式一:导入jar包. 1.鼠标右击项目名,点击‘Properties’一栏: 2.如下图点击‘Add External JARs’: 3.选中下载好的junit和hamcrest的jar包,打开即可. 方式二,添加junit库: 1.鼠标右击项目名,点击‘Properties…
Triangle Problem songxiuhuan 宋修寰 Import the Junit and eclemma Choose the project and right click, choose the build path and choose the Junit and hamcrest. Install eclemma Help--install newsoftware--input the URL of the eclemma in my PC Coding the tri…
这个月月初我们一行三人去湖南参加了ccpc湖南程序设计比赛,虽然路途遥远,六月的湘潭天气燥热,不过在一起的努力之下,拿到了一块铜牌,也算没空手而归啦.不过通过比赛,还是发现我们的差距,希望这几个月自己努力思考,积极刷题,为九月份acm网络赛做准备! 言归正传说说这道题目,这也是这次比赛想到AC比较高的题目,不过我们还是没能完成,下面我就来总结一下此题的一些思路和方法. Magic Triangle Problem Description: Huangriq is a respectful acm…
软件测试:lab1.Junit and Eclemma Task: Install Junit(4.12), Hamcrest(1.3) with Eclipse Install Eclemma with Eclipse Write a java program for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit. a)  Description of triangle problem: Function triangle takes…
Latex制作beamer latex beamer Beamer Theme Matrix网页给出了一般常用的主题和配色方案. tuwcvl这个主题比较简单,感觉比较适合用作实验室内的报告,可以自己修改下适合的logo. \documentclass{beamer}  \usepackage{ctex}  \usetheme{tuwcvl}  \begin{document}  %%---------------------------------------------------  \ti…
Tasks: Install Junit(4.12), Hamcrest(1.3) with Eclipse Install Eclemma with Eclipse Write a java program for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit. a)       Description of triangle problem: Function triangle takes three integers a,b,c…
声明:本文参考了langresser发布的blog“跨平台的游戏客户端Socket封装” Socket处理是异步非阻塞的,所以可以放心的放到主线程处理消息,并且在原作者的基本上进行了系列优化,考虑了客户端可能建立多个SOCKET,因此加入了Manager概念,与cocos2d-x进行了融合. 本文基于cocos2d-x3.0+VS2012 点击下载 文件目录结构截图: 文件源码: TCPSocket.h #ifndef __CC_TCPSOCKET_H__ #define…
Ipsysctl tutorial 1.0.4 Prev Chapter 3. IPv4 variable reference Next 3.3. TCP Variables This section will take…
In this Document   _afrLoop=1021148011984950&id=1443482.1&displayIndex=1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=m3p452ml4_194#PURPOSE">Purpose   Troubleshooting Steps   1. TX deadlock in Exclusive(X) mode   2. TX deadlock in Share(S) mod…