Two ways to use sudo command for a standard user account: First, If you want to use sudo command for a standard user account, then you need to add this account to /etc/sudoers file. Use the following steps to add your desired user account to /etc/sud…
用持续集成工具Travis进行构建和部署 用持续集成工具Travis进行构建和部署 摘要:本文简单说明了如何使用持续集成工具Travis进行构建和部署的过程. 1. 概述 持续集成(Continuous Integration)是软件开发过程中的重要环节,不论是在开发环境,还是生产环境,其好处都是可以让团队尽快得到反馈,从而尽早发现和解决问题,不要等到用户来报告问题,影响产品和团队的声誉.越早越快地发现和解决问题,成本越低,这也是敏捷开发的基本目的之一. 持续集成的工具有不少,著名的有Cruis…
iMX6QD How to Add 24-bit LVDS Support in Android 版本 4 由 Ying Liu 于 2012-10-14 下午11:52创建,最后由 Jodi Paul 于 2013-5-20 上午8:38修改. Introduction LVDS display panel driving data flow: Display quality: To get the best display quality for 24bit LVDS display pan…
Introduction DNF is the The Fedora Project package manager that is able to query for information about packages, fetch packages from repositories, install and uninstall packages using automatic dependency resolution, and update an entire system to th…
原因之初 最初习惯百度各种博客教程,然后跟着操作,因为觉得跟着别人走过的路走可以少走很多弯路,省时间.然而,很多博客的内容并不够完整,甚至错误,看多了的博客甚至有千篇一律的感觉.此外,博客毕竟是记载博主的心路历程而不是自己,就像我的博客,从来都是当做记事本来写的,条例和思路基本上是根据遇到的问题记录下来的,绝对不会钻研一下如何发布科普文章. 新入职的公司需要英语环境,觉得有必要读英语的东西,看Google出来的文章辨别质量难度更甚,还是看官方文档吧.最初看gradle,科普gradle的基本知识…
原文 FTP sessions use two network connections: The control channel is for user authentication and sending commands and ... The data channel is for transferring files and directory listings. If you can connect to an FTP server but not transfer files or… Jun 22, 2016 • packagecloud Tags: packagecloud linux kernel networking optimization tuning monitoring TL;DR This blog post explains how computers runn…
数据库的建立 首先,建立一个数据库,存储注册成功的账户信息. 其SQL的DDL语句如下: CREATE TABLE `jdbctest` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` varchar(20) default NULL, `password` varchar(20) default NULL, `realName` varchar(10) default NULL, `sex` char(1) default NULL, `p…
Android手机上的外置SD卡,起初的时候,即在Android出世的前几年,那时手机的存储是十分有限的,不像现在到处可见16G.32G和64G的存储,因而那时候的手机有的厂商允许插入外置的SD卡,此时这张卡仍处于手机的扩展部分.后来,随着手机的发展以及存储能力的增加,这张外置SD卡,逐渐成为了手机的一部分,不再允许可插拔了,当然现在依然有的手机允许对存储进行拓展,比如三星等. 那张拓展的存储卡,现在叫做TF卡,且不是所有的手机都支持它,但是有时候有些奇葩需求偏要优先存储在TF卡里面,这叫不得不…
Running Apache Storm Securely Apache Storm offers a range of configuration options when trying to secure your cluster. By default all authentication and authorization is disabled but can be turned on as needed. Firewall/OS level Security You can stil…
Help on module guestfs: NAME guestfs - Python bindings for libguestfs FILE /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ DESCRIPTION import guestfs g = guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=True) g.add_drive_opts("guest.img", format="raw"…
I am trying to kickstart a newly built VM. I am stuck with the following. Want to start with a console so that I can include username and other info for this VM: @vmhost02 ~]$ sudo virsh start --console testengine Domain testengine started Connected…
以下资源都来自官方文档,原文摘录 The SYSLINUX suite contains the following boot loaders ("derivatives"), for their respective boot media: SYSLINUX - MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem PXELINUX - PXE network booting ISOLINUX - ISO9660 CD-ROM EXTLINUX - Linux ext2/ext…
全文共4909字,推荐阅读时间15~20分钟. 文章共分五个部分: JML总结 作业分析 评测相关 重构策略 课程体验感受 JML总结 定义 JML是一种对Java程序进行规格化设计的表示语言 JML是一种行为接口规格语言(Behavior Interface Specification Language,BISL) 注释结构 JML和Javadoc的注释方式相同 每行都以@起头 行注释://@ annotation 块注释:/*@ annotation @*/ //@ public model…
This command will add any un-versioned files listed in svn st command output to subversion. Note that any filenames containing whitespace in the svn stat output will not be added. Further, odd behavior might occur if any filenames contain '?'s. svn s…
问题复现 >>> a = set() >>> b = set() >>> b.add(1) >>> a.add(b) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unhashable type: 'set' >>> c = list(b) >>…
Chapter 2 - How to Add a sprite 1. Add image resources 1.1add resources on win32 2. Add a sprite TIPS 1 TIP 2 The source code of these tutorials is here: You can follow the articles to finish the gam…
(*********************************************************************************) (* *) (* Below is the list of support classes that can be used from within the Pascal *) (* script. There are also three support objects available: MainForm of type *…
[总文档]How to Add Node/Instance or Remove Node/Instance in 10gR2, 11gR1, 11gR2 and 12c Oracle Clusterware and RAC (Doc ID 1332451.1)…
Scala List FAQ: How do I add elements to a Scala List? This is actually a trick question, because you can't add elements to a ScalaList; it's an immutable data structure, like a Java String. Prepending elements to Scala Lists One thing you can do whe…
Scala List FAQ: How do I add elements to a Scala List? This is actually a trick question, because you can't add elements to a ScalaList; it's an immutable data structure, like a Java String. Prepending elements to Scala Lists One thing you can do whe…
GIT-ADD(1) Git Manual GIT-ADD(1) NAME git-add - Add file contents to the index SYNOPSIS git add [-n] [-v] [--force | -f] [--interactive | -i] [--patch | -p] [--edit | -e] [--[no-]all | --[no-]ignore-removal | [--update | -u]] [--intent-to-add | -N] […
Add JWT Bearer Authorization to Swagger and ASP.NET Core     If you have an ASP.NET Core web application that already has JWT authorization, this guide will help you add JWT (JSON Web Token) support to the Swagger UI. What is Swagger UI? Swagger UI i…
For example we have current code: function add(a, b) { console.log(a, b) return a + b } function subtract(a, b) { console.log(a, b) return a - b } add(, ) subtract(, ) console.log('sup dawg') We want to transform the code to: function add(a, b) { con…
Apache和PHP的版本分别为: 下载地址: php-5.6.9-Win32-VC11-x64…
1 理论基础 学习Eigen人脸识别算法需要了解一下它用到的几个理论基础,现总结如下: 1.1 协方差矩阵 首先需要了解一下公式: 共公式可以看出:均值描述的是样本集合的平均值,而标准差描述的则是样本集合的各个样本点到均值的距离之平均.以一个国家国民收入为例,均值反映了平均收入,而均方差/方差则反映了贫富差距,如果两个国家国民收入均值相等,则标准差越大说明国家的国民收入越不均衡,贫富差距较大.以上公式都是用来描述一维数据量的,把方差公式推广到二维,则可得到协方差公式: 协方差表明了两个随机变量之…
ZooKeeper Client Library提供了丰富直观的API供用户程序使用,下面是一些常用的API: create(path, data, flags): 创建一个ZNode, path是其路径,data是要存储在该ZNode上的数据,flags常用的有: PERSISTEN, PERSISTENT_SEQUENTAIL, EPHEMERAL, EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTAIL delete(path, version): 删除一个ZNode,可以通过version删除指定的版…
zookeeper简介 zookeeper是为分布式应用提供分布式协作服务的开源软件.它提供了一组简单的原子操作,分布式应用可以基于这些原子操作来实现更高层次的同步服务,配置维护,组管理和命名.zookeeper的设计使基于它的编程非常容易,若我们熟悉目录树结构的文件系统,也会很容易使用zookeeper的数据模型样式.它运行在java上,有java和c的客户端. 协作服务因难于获取正确而臭名远扬,他们特别易于出错如竞争条件和死锁.zookeeper的动机是减轻分布式应用中从零开始实现协作服务的…
一切从示例程序开始: 示例程序 Hadoop2.7 提供的示例程序 package org.apache.hadoop.examples; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.…
修改 配置文件 maven 安装 路径 F:\apache-maven-3.3.9\conf 修改 settings.xml 在 <mirrors> <!-- mirror | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that | this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element…