uva193 - Graph Coloring】的更多相关文章

Graph Coloring You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring for a given graph. Colors are applied to the nodes of the graph and the only available colors are black and white. The coloring of the graph is called optimal if a maxim…
Graph Coloring Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 4893   Accepted: 2271   Special Judge Description You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring for a given graph. Colors are applied to the nodes of the…
                                                           Graph Coloring Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 4926   Accepted: 2289   Special Judge Description You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring…
主题如以下: Graph Coloring  You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring for agiven graph. Colors are applied to the nodes of the graph and the only availablecolors are black and white. The coloring of the graph is called optimalif a…
Graph Coloring I https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/203/J 题目描述 修修在黑板上画了一些无向连通图,他发现他可以将这些图的结点用两种颜色染色,满足相邻点不同色. 澜澜不服气,在黑板上画了一个三个点的完全图.修修跟澜澜说,这个图我能找到一个简单奇环. 澜澜又在黑板上画了一个n个点m条边的无向连通图.很可惜这不是一道数数题,修修做不出来了. 澜澜非常得意,作为一位毒瘤出题人,有了好题当然要跟大家分享,于是他把这道题出给你做了. 输入描述:…
http://poj.org/problem?id=1419 题意: 一张图黑白染色,相邻点不能都染黑色,最多能染几个黑色点 最大点独立集 但是图不能同构为二分图,不能用二分图匹配来做 那就爆搜吧 还可以转化为补图的最大团问题 #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> using namespace std; ][]; ],res[]; int n,ans,cnt; void read(int &…
Graph Coloring Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 5775   Accepted: 2678   Special Judge Description You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring for a given graph. Colors are applied to the nodes of the…
    HamaWhite 原创,转载请注明出处!欢迎大家增加Giraph 技术交流群: 228591158     Graph coloring is the problem of assigning a color to each vertex of an undirected graph such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. We implement the greedy algorithm from Scalabl…
E. Graph Coloring 链接 n个点m条边的无向图,不保证联通,给每个点标号1,2,3.1号点个数n1,2号点个数n2,3号点个数n3.且每条边的两点,标号之差绝对值为1.如果有合法方案,需输出方案. 考虑每个联通子图,2只可以和1或者3连边,1只能和2连边,3只能和2连边,那么将1,3归为一堆,2归为一堆.每一堆内不存在边,构成一个独立点集,那么很明显是一个二分图,每次DFS可以找到二分图两部点的个数,如果存在奇环那么直接输出NO 对于每个联通子图,一个二分图,假设左部有 x 个点…
Description You are to write a program that tries to find an optimal coloring for a given graph. Colors are applied to the nodes of the graph and the only available colors are black and white. The coloring of the graph is called optimal if a maximum…