Intrinsic Functions (DirectX HLSL) The following table lists the intrinsic functions available in HLSL. Each function has a brief description, and a link to a reference page that has more detail about the input argument and return type. Name Syntax D…
Intrinsic Functions (DirectX HLSL) The following table lists the intrinsic functions available in HLSL. Each function has a brief description, and a link to a reference page that has more detail about the input argument and return type. Name Syntax D…
此篇博客转自csdn的一位大牛. 中间排版出了一些问题 Intrinsic Functions (DirectX HLSL) The following table lists the intrinsic functions available in HLSL. Each function has a brief description, and a link to a reference page that has more detail about the input argument an…
前言 说实话,我感觉这是一个大坑,不知道为什么要设计成这样混乱的形式. 在我用的时候,以row_major矩阵,并且mul函数以向量左乘矩阵的形式来绘制时的确能够正常显示,并不会有什么感觉.但是也有人会遇到明明传的矩阵没有问题,却怎么样都绘制不出的情况:或者使用列矩阵,在mul函数用向量左乘的形式却又可以绘制出来的疑问.因此本文目的就是要扫清这些障碍. ps. 本问题由淡一抹夕霞提供. DirectX11 With Windows SDK完整目录 欢迎加入QQ群: 727623616 可以一起探…
error: 1. mul' implicit truncation of vector type 2. matrixXXX: array dimensions of(unknown scope entry kind) must be explicit------------(XXXX(float3X4 matrix[]))-->(XXXX(float3X4 matrix[12])) this problem refers to a para float 3X4 mat…