iPhone screen size】的更多相关文章

  iPhone 4 iPhone 5 iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus Display Size 3.5 in 4 in 4.7 in 5.5 in Screen Size 320 x 480 points 320 x 568 points 375 x 667 points 414 x 736 points Rendered Pixels 640 x 960 (@2x) 640 x 1136 (@2x) 750 x 1334 (@2x) 1242 x 2208 (@3x) Phys…
Apple updated its iPhone a bit ago making the form factor much bigger. The iPhone 6 screen size is both wider and taller and the iPhone 6 Plus also has a higher pixel density. This is an update to my previous post about designing websites for the iPh…
How to get the real screen size(screen resolution) by using js 获取用户屏幕的真实像素分辨率, 屏幕实际尺寸 window.devicePixelRatio 设备像素比 screen resolution 屏幕分辨率 function getResolution() { const realWidth = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio; const realHeight =…
js screen size check js 屏幕尺寸检测 window.screen API screen; window.screen.width; window.screen.height; how to get the real screen size in js https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65462643/how-to-get-the-real-screen-size-by-using-js window.innerWidth & win…
1. "Windows" ==> "Android Virtual Device Manager" ==> Select one emulator ==> "Start" ==> Change the scrren size to "6"…
Q: Why is it a blank window after openning the app and connect mobile device? A: Please make sure that the screen of your mobile device is unlocked. Q: How to take a screenshot of mobile device? A: You can press the "Home" button or click menu i…
Splashscreen Enables developers to show/hide the application's splash screen. Methods show hide Permissions Android app/res/xml/config.xml <pluginname="SplashScreen"value="org.apache.cordova.SplashScreen"/> iOS Cordova.plist    …
The following script shows how we can center a window on the desktop screen. #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ZetCode PyQt4 tutorial This program centers a window on the screen. author: Jan Bodnar website: zetcode.com last edit…
Screen的这些基本概念中,最重要的就是dip的理解,而理解dip就是理解android适配不同设备的关键. Screen Size 实际物理尺寸.就是我们常说的3.5英寸屏幕,4.7英寸屏幕等等,这个长度说的是对角线的长度.在android中屏幕物理尺寸划分为这么几类:small,normal,large,extra large.下面是对尺寸以及密度的一个粗略分类.该图可能会由于实际设备尺寸和屏幕密度的不断增加而更新,最新的请到官网查看. 图1 Resolution “屏幕”分辨率,即屏幕上…
screen Key 快捷键 Action 动作 Notes 备注 Ctrl+a c new window 新窗口   Ctrl+a n next window 下一个窗口 I bind F12 to this Ctrl+a p previous window 上一个窗口 I bind F11 to this Ctrl+a " select window from list I have window list in the status line Ctrl+a Ctrl+a previous…
####################### 屏幕分割 ######################## 1. screen2. Ctrl-a c    # create a new screen3. switch between screens      Ctrl-a 0-9        Ctrl-a Ctrl-a         Ctrl-a "    # list all available screens4. Ctrl-a S  # split terminal vertically…
三十八:各个版本IPHONE分辨率及图片的实现原理 desert@2x : iPhone 4s ( x ) desert-568h@2x : iPhones , 5C and 5S ( x ) desert-667h@2x : iPhone ( x ) desert-736h@3x : iPhone + ( x ) desert@2x~ipad : iPad ( x ) iPhone 4S  Screen Size: 3.5 Inches  Resolution: 640 x 960 (Half…
// //  AddTopicViewController.m //  vMeet2 // //  Created by 张源海 on 16/6/30. //  Copyright © 2016年 hdlt. All rights reserved. // #ifndef PrefixHeader_pch #define PrefixHeader_pch //----------------------INSTALLATION 安装方法---------------------------- /…
About Information Property List Files UILaunchImageFile UILaunchImageFile (String - iOS) specifies the name of the launch image file for the app on older versions of iOS. If this key and the UILaunchImages key are both present, the app uses the UILau…
SOURCE URL: https://flowplayer.org/docs/setup.html 1. DOCTYPE At the top of your page declare the HTML5 doctype: <!DOCTYPE html> Otherwise HTML5 video will not work in some browsers, notably Internet Explorer 9. 2. <head/> setup <!-- 1. ski…
http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ http://hgoebl.github.io/mobile-detect.js/ http://www.hand-interactive.com/resources/detect-mobile-javascript.htm https://github.com/danielpoe/DeviceDetection/blob/master/src/devicedetection.js http://jstricks.com/dete…
AppleWatch开发教程之Watch应用对象新增内容介绍以及编写运行代码 添加Watch应用对象时新增内容介绍 Watch应用对象添加到创建的项目中后,会包含两个部分:Watch App 和 WatchKit Extension,如图2.18所示.其中,Watch App部分位于用户的iWatch上,它目前为止只允许包含Storyboard文件和Resources文件.在我们的项目里,这一部分不包括任何代码.WatchKit Extension部分位于用户的iPhone安装的对应App上,这…
Tech Stuff - Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings The non-mobile stuff is here (hint: you get jerked back by the power cord after 3 feet and your arms start to ache after 10 minutes with non-mobile stuff) or click on any right menu link for the bro…
一些重要的名词解释: CSS pixels(CSS 像素):详见http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#reference-pixe CSS声明的像素值,可随着放大缩小而放大缩小. Device pixels(设备 像素): Layout viewport(布局视口)设计像素值固定,对web开发者来说基本没有用. HTML元素初始视口区域,css中声明宽度的20%等都是按照这个视口来计算. Visual viewport (设备视口) 屏幕视口,通过这个视口能看到页面…
术语和概念 屏幕尺寸 屏幕的物理尺寸,以屏幕的对角线长度作为依据(比如 2.8寸, 3.5寸). 简而言之, Android把所有的屏幕尺寸简化为三大类:大,正常,和小. 程序可以针对这三种尺寸的屏幕提供三种不同的布局方案,然后系统会负责把你的布局方案以合适的方式渲染到对应的屏幕上,这个过程是不需要程序员用代码来干预的. 屏幕长宽比 屏幕的物理长度与物理宽度的比例.程序可以为制定长宽比的屏幕提供制定的素材,只需要用系统提供的资源分类符long和 notlong. 分辨率 屏幕上拥有的像素的总数.…
术语和概念  屏幕尺寸  屏幕的物理尺寸,以屏幕的对角线长度作为依据(比如 2.8寸, 3.5寸).  简而言之, Android把所有的屏幕尺寸简化为三大类:大,正常,和小.  程序可以针对这三种尺寸的屏幕提供三种不同的布局方案,然后系统会负责把你的布局方案以合适的方式渲染到对应的屏幕上,这个过程是不需要程序员用代码来干预的. 屏幕长宽比  屏幕的物理长度与物理宽度的比例.程序可以为制定长宽比的屏幕提供制定的素材,只需要用系统提供的资源分类符long和 notlong. 分辨率  屏幕上拥有的…
Working with Multiple Resolutions 多分辨率设置 A common scenario when creating apps or games is to target multiple devices with different screen sizes. CocosBuilder provides advanced tools for supporting multiple resolutions and relative positioning. You c…
原文链接: https://github.com/dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks Frontend Development Looking for something else? Take a look at the awesome collection of other awesome lists. Guides Bento: a collection of guides for web development. Hack Design: An easy to…
< ![CDATA[ 笔记 UIWindows 与UIView的关系iOS的坐标系统视图层次结构视图坐标(Frame和Bounds区别)UIView的常用属性和方法坐标系统的变换UIView内容模式UIView动画 UIKit是一个提供了在iOS上实现图形,事件驱动的框架 UIView是视图基类UIViewController试图控制器的基类UIResponder表示一个可以接受触摸屏上的触摸事件的对象窗口是视图的一个子类窗口的主要功能:一个提供一个区域来显示视图 二来将事件event分发给视图…
Responsive Web Design is regarded as being the approach which suggests that web design and development should respond to the end-user’s behavior and environment based on their screen size, platform and orientation. Responsiveness consists of a mix of…
This is an attempt to compile a list of relevant specifications for all modern smart phones and mobile internet devices. It is primarily for a quick reference sheet when trying to target a specific platform with CSS media queries. Apple: Model Operat…
#define DEVICE_IS_IPHONE5 ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568) float height = DEVICE_IS_IPHONE5?568:480; if (height == 568) { // 4" } else { // 3" } http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12395200/how-to-develop-or-migrate-apps-for-ip…
这篇文章会介绍iOS8开发相关的主要特性. App 插件 通过支持插件,iOS8让我们可以系统指定的区域进行扩展,也就是为用户的特定需求提供自定义的方法.例如:可以通过App插件帮助用户分享他们的内容到社交网站.在用户安装了这个插件后,当他在App中点击分享按钮时就可以选择这个插件了.自定义的插件提供接受,认证,发布用户内容的功能.系统会在分享菜单中列出他们并且在用户点击后实例化他们. 在Xcode中,可以通过添加预先配置好的带插件的app来创建它.当用户安装有插件的app后,用户可以在设置中启…
![](http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/1182370/201706/1182370-20170628210759774-266944364.jpg) [TOC] 字典是Python核心数据类型中唯一的一种映射类型, 通过键而不是相对位置来存取数据, 具有可变性.除了列表之外, 字典或许是Python最灵活的内置数据结构:-D ### 映射操作 1\. 作为常量编写, 字典编写与大括号`{}`中, 包含一系列的`键:值`对,并通过逗号`,`将不同的`键:值…
为了使UI界面在不同大小的移动端显示器上能够正常显示,大家可能都知道使用sp作为字体大小的单位,dp作为其他元素长度的单位. 前几天看了一篇文章关于 App设计规范的,文章用心写的非常好,这里是链接 http://www.25xt.com/appdesign/10821.html .但是费解的是所有的长度单位都是用px.好吧,""原谅"这位UI设计师良心ps的一张app设计规范图.在UI布局的时候有必要了解一下android设备的适应了. 先来问大家几个问题, 1.andro…