在用HttpClient发起https请求时,遭遇了“The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure”异常,异常信息如下: Exception Details: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation pro…
If you get “The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure” exception while trying to establish SSL connection, most likely your’s server certificate is self-signed or you used incorrect host name to connect (Host name must m…
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure   根据验证过程中远程证书无效 I'm calling an ASP.NET web service from an ASP.NET web application. The two applications are on different servers. The web service requires SSL and presents the a…
因为Grpc采用HTTP/2作为通信协议,默认采用LTS/SSL加密方式传输,比如使用.net core启动一个服务端(被调用方)时: public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.ConfigureKestrel(options => {…
参考文章:http://brainof-dave.blogspot.com.au/2008/08/remote-certificate-is-invalid-according.html 参考文章:http://www.arcencus.nl/Blogs/tabid/105/EntryID/39/Default.aspx (以上两个链接如果访问不到可以试下连接国外VPN) 当使用SSL方式登录邮箱服务器时会出现这种报错,这是因为web服务器上没有安装“Equifax Secure Certifi…
ORA-01722: invalid number in Package AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG Procedure Update_Vendor_Site_Public 发现此问题的经过: 大佬告诉我用AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG.Update_Vendor_Site_Public方法去更新供应商地点,而不是用AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG.Update_Vendor_Site. 于是在用的过程中就使用了PUBLIC方法. 测试过程中发现,当我使用Update_Vendor…
公司有个第3方的系统,不能操作源码修改错误捕获,但是错误会发一个邮件出来,里面包含了主要的信息.于是想从邮件下手,提取需要的数据 开始考虑使用的是exchange service,主要参考http://blog.csdn.net/tider_ys/article/details/6637879 中间遇到几个问题,稍微记录一下: 1. The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized XXXX.添加web service的时候,使用的地址应…
当在internet发布用ClickOnce打包的客户端程序时,遇到ClickOnce启动后出错,错误信息如下: + Downloading https://xxxxx/Deploy/pc/Booter.application did not succeed.  + The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.  + The…
This document contains the following sections. Calling methods between the client and server silently fails Configuring IIS websockets to ping/pong to detect a dead client Other connection issues Compilation and server-side errors Visual Studio issue…
持续更新: 一  属性重命名 数据库:UserName Model: [Column("UserName")]public string UserName222 二, 某表多个外键指向同一表的主键. 数据库 : //主表 public partial class MainTable { public MainTable() { this.SubTable1 = new HashSet<SubTable>(); this.SubTable2 = new HashSet<…