Advanced Plugin Concepts】的更多相关文章

Provide Public Access to Default Plugin Settings An improvement we can, and should, make to the code above is to expose the default plugin settings. This is important because it makes it very easy for plugin users to override/customize the plugin wit…
相关链接: Separation of Concerns 原文 The Art of Separation of Concerns Introduction In software engineering, Separation of Concerns refers to the delineation and correlation of software elements to achieve order within a system. Through proper separation…
根据OU官方发布的考试大纲,OCP 1Z0-053考点如下: 1. Database Architecture and ASM Describe Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Set up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instances Start up and shut down ASM instances Administer ASM disk groups 2. Config…
刚开始编写jquery插件的时候,只是从网上找个模板看着写,并不理解.刚刚仔细把官网的API看了下,突然觉得豁然开朗了.马上放假了想着应该整理整理不然忘了又. How to create a Jquery Plugin主要看的大体介绍,然后创建Basic Plugin 和  Advanced Plugin Basic 1.这应该是最简单的一种,定义和调用 $.fn.greenify = function() { this.css( "color", "green"…
CrowdFlower Winner's Interview: 1st place, Chenglong Chen The Crowdflower Search Results Relevance competition asked Kagglers to evaluate the accuracy of e-commerce search engines on a scale of 1-4 using a dataset of queries & results. Chenglong Chen…
作者:supernova 出处: John Smith is in trouble! He is a TopCoder member and once he learned to master the "Force" of dynamic programming, he began solving problem after p… Stable libraries | Development versions | Unreleased | Commercial | All attica Open Collaboration Services API avahi-qt Qt4 Bindings for avahi, the D-BUS Service for Zeroconf and Bonjour baloo Baloo is a file indexing and searchi…
053:数据库高级管理: 目录 第一部分:数据库备份与恢复... 4 第一章:备份恢复概述... 4 1.1 备份的意义: 4 1.2 数据库故障的类型:... 4 1.3 制定你的备份和恢复的计划... 4 1.4 备份恢复分类... 5 1.5 备份恢复方式... 5 1.6 完全恢复与不完全恢复... 5 1.7 归档与非归档... 6 第二章:手工备份与恢复... 6 2.1 手工备份:... 6 2.2 手工备份和恢复的命令... 6 2.3 备份前应对数据库进行检查: 7 2.4 手…
分类 plugin名称 wiki地址 源码地址 plugin作用范围 备注 Build Reports构建报告(此类插件用来分析构建结果,比果代码检查,测试CASE分析,并将这些结果以报表,趋势图等形展显出来) Analysis Collector Plugin (analysis-collector.jpi)…
go启动后,可以用telnet登录访问. 注意端口配置写在.env里面. 源码: 英文原版: Part 2: Networking — Code yo…