Start the master ssh hal roscore Start the listener ssh hal export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://hal:11311 rosrun rospy_tutorials Start the talker ssh marvin export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://hal:11311 rosrun rospy_tutorials rostopic rostopi…
1.在Windows10下安装ROS.需要开启WSL.参考 2.修改ubuntu国内源,可以提高安装包下载更新速度. (1)原文件备份:sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak (2)编辑源列表文件:sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list (3)将原来的列表删除,添加如下内容(中科大镜像源)参考  deb-src xenial main r…
1.Multiple features So what the form of the hypothesis should be ? For convenience, define x0=1 At this time, the parameter in the model is a ( + 1)-dimensional vector, and any training instance is also a ( + 1)-dimensional vector. The dimension of t…
Testing your AngularJS application on multiple browsers is important, and Protractor offers this ability through the multiCapabilities configuration option. Learn how to use this option, as well as configure your e2e tests to run on only a single bro…
按照以下步骤照做就可以了,很简单的,就是浪费一点点时间罢了.也可以退而求其次,买个树莓派3B+来玩,哈哈. Step 1: Install Dependecies and Download the Packages Let’s start by setting up the repositories and installing the necessary dependencies sudo sh -c 'echo "deb… Beautiful Soup Documentation Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. It works with your favorite parser to provide idiomatic ways of navigating, searching, a…
Prerequisites Install Docker version 1.13 or higher. Get Docker Compose as described in Part 3 prerequisites.(.yaml) Get Docker Machine, which is pre-installed with Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows, but on Linux systems you need to install it di…
Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll be using that shared image here. Be sure your image works as a deployed container. Run this command, slotting in your info for username, repo, and tag…
  What is this? "Roomblock" is a robot platform consists of a Roomba, a Raspberry Pi 2, a laser sensor(RPLIDAR) and a mobile battery. The mounting frame can be made by 3D printers. ROS navigation system enable to make a map of rooms and use it t…
Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - Second Edition <ROS机器人编程学习-第二版> ----Your one-stop guide to the Robot Operating System ——你的一站式的机器人操作系统引导 原著:Enrique Fernández,Luis Sánchez Crespo,Anil Mahtani,Aaron Martinez 作者简介:Enrique Fernández:西班牙计算机工程博士,研究…