网络安全问题的背景 网络安全研究的内容包括很多方面,作者形象比喻为盲人摸象,不同领域的网络安全专家对网络安全的认识是不同的. For researchers in the field of cryptography, security is all about cryptographic algorithms and hash functions. Those who are in information security focus mainly on privacy, watermarkin…
Network Security Combination of low-cost powerful computing and high-performance networks is a two-edged sword: Many powerful new services and applications are enabled But computer systems and networks become highly susceptible(敏感) to a wide variety…
app功能接口正常,其他手机运行OK,但是在Android9.0的手机上报错 CLEARTEXT communication to 192.168.1.xx not permitted by network security policy' 无法加载数据 原因是因为android9.0开始必须https,和iOS10一样的规定. 解决办法如下,在manifest.xml的application节点下: android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"…
Android版本28使用http请求报错not permitted by network security policy android模拟器调试登录的时候报错 CLEARTEXT communication to to not permitted by network security policy 2018-10-17 20:42:09.532 18048-18048/ E/ProgressObserver____: onError…