Unmount and run xfs_repair】的更多相关文章

今天kvm的centos系统,rm -rf时报错,具体如下: rm: cannot remove ‘log-0/case1/log_net’: Input/output errorrm: cannot remove ‘log-0/case1/log_iostate’: Input/output error 强制重启系统后,发现XFS (vda3):Corruption detected.Unmount and run xfs_repair 相关的错误. 从错误可以查看到是vda3错误. 解决办法…
参考连接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35022803/article/details/109287086 如故障图所示,sda3出现问题, 下面的解决办法: 解决办法: 原因:看出来应该是sda3分区损坏,修复就可以了 1:启动虚拟机E进入单用户模式 2:在linux16开头的哪一行后面添加rd.break,ctrl+x进入救援模式 3:执行umount /dev/sda3 执行xfs_repair -L /dev/sda3 如果没有成功尝试 xfs_repair -L…
公司电脑CentOS系统突然断电,开机后,无法进入系统.查看系统log如下: mount: mount /dev/mapper/cl-root on /sysroot failed:Structure needs cleaning. XFS(dm-0): Metadata corruption detected at xfs_inode_buf_verify 0x70/0x120 [xfs] XFS(dm-0):Unmount and run xfs_repair XFS(dm-0):first…
最开始是存储的卷组受损,使用的DRBD,使用了xfs分区格式: 挂载也报错: mount /dev/drbd0 /var/opt mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/drbd0,missing codepage or helper program, or other error(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you mightneed a /sbin/mount. h…
莫名其妙电脑重启了,虚拟机连不上,心里真的是一万匹草泥马,显示如下: Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue. Type "journaletl" to view system logs. You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"…
If you're attempting to run xfs_repair, getting the error message that suggests mounting the filesystem to replay the log, and after mounting still receiving the same error message, you may need to perform a forced repair (using the -L flag with xfs_…
前一段时间发现有一些containerd集群出现了Pod卡在Terminating的问题,经过一系列的排查发现是containerd对底层异常处理的问题.最后虽然通过一个短小的PR修复了这个bug,但是找到bug的过程和对问题的反思还是值得和大家分享的. 本文中会借由排查bug的过程来分析kubelet删除Pod的调用链,这样不仅仅可以了解containerd的bug,还可以借此了解更多Pod删除不掉的原因.在文章的最后会对问题进行反思,来探讨OCI出现的问题. 一个删除不掉的Pod 可能大家都…
3 Ways to Force Unmount in Linux Showing “device is busy” Updated August 8, 2019By Bobbin ZachariahLINUX HOWTO, TROUBLESHOOTING When you do an NFS mount, it sometimes shows "device is busy” status, in such case we need to perform force unmount in a g…
开机就进入命令窗口,窗口提示信息如下: generating “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt” entering emergencymode. exit the shell to continue type “journalctl” to view system logs. you might want to save “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt” to a usb stick or /boot after mounting t…
Generating /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt 问题 实验室异常断电,导致Centos7重启以后出现 Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" 解决方法: 1.输入ls /dev/mapper 以我的电脑为例:此时会出现3个文件.其中cl-root文件是我们下面所要用的文件.ls的目的就是为了让大家能知道自己带"-root"文件的前缀是什么 2.输入xfs_repair /dev/ma…