NPM Scripts -- onchange parallelshell】的更多相关文章

Watch for changes to the styles.scss file and automatically compile it to the css file. Run multiple NPM scripts in parallel using parallelshell NPM module. Watching for Changes and Parallelshell First, we install two NPM packages onchange and parall…
NPM Scripts Part 2 Objectives and Outcomes In this exercise you will learn to build a distribution folder containing the files that can be deployed on a web server hosting your project. This distribution folder would be built from your project files…
In this lesson we will look at how we can setup our npm scripts to execute when the file system has changed. Some common examples of this are automatically linting your code, running unit tests, or using a pre-processor for your CSS. Install: npm i -…
Why npm Scripts? 原文发表于 2016.2.12,原文地址: 以下是访客Damon Bauer发布的一篇文章.近来直接使用node package提供的命令行界面的情绪持续高涨,反之,人们对通过运行任务从而屏蔽抽象功能的热情逐渐降温.在一定程度是,你无论如何都要使用npm,而同时npm提供了脚本功能,为什么不用呢?但是我们使用npm的脚本功能的原因有很多.Damon会帮我们理解这样做的原因,并确切的告…
用browser-sync或者lite-server来监控文件的改变,当文件改变时,就自动刷新浏览器. 用node-sass来实时编译scss文件. 用parallelshell来异步执行npm script命令. 先安装上述的node工具 npm install browser-sync 一.首先新建npm的package.json package.json一般有如下的结构和选项 { "name": "about", "version": &q…
最近用Webpack+npm scripts+Mongodb+Nodejs+React写了个后台项目,在用Webpack构建过程中遇到了许多坑,就写出来分享一下. 构建工具五花八门,想当年刚学会Grunt,Grunt就被淘汰了,取而代之的是Gulp,其任务流式的机制,有着逻辑清晰,灵活多变的特点,而且容易上手,相比Grunt真的要少写太多配置文件代码了,立马就学的风声水起,刚熟练Gulp,Webpack又如构建工具界的一颗新星冉冉升起,其独特的模块打包机制和各种各样好用的loader,让无数Co…
A technique you might use once you start having lots of npm scripts is to use a node package that allows you to define your scripts in an external package-scripts.js file. By pulling out your scripts it can help with organization, enable better comme…
Unfortunately not all shell commands work across various environments. Two main techniques to support cross-environment scripts is to either use cross-platform commands or to use normalized node packages. In this lesson, we will look at updating an e…
最近在学webpack为了方便把运行脚本写入package.json文件中,如下: "scripts": { "start": "webpack-dev-server --progress", "build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack.production.config.js --progress" } 但是运行npm run buil…
简单介绍 scripts里面的 "start": "node app" npm run start 相当于 node app { "name": "5-npm-scripts", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "app.js", "de…
转载自: Node 开发离不开 npm,而脚本功能是 npm 最强大.最常用的功能之一. 本文介绍如何使用 npm 脚本(npm scripts). 一.什么是 npm 脚本? npm 允许在package.json文件里面,使用scripts字段定义脚本命令. { // ... "scripts": { "build": "node build.…
一.执行原理 安装npm 包,会将其package.json bin 字段添加到node_modules bin 里面,创建对应的.cmd文件,因此: 例如: "scripts":{ "test": "mocha" }npm run test => 等同于 ./node_modules/.bin/mocha然后:依旧是通过node 调用包bin字段对应的文件bin 文件第一行 #!/usr/bin/env node 二.传入参数 "…
什么是npm脚本? npm 允许在package.json文件里面,使用scripts字段定义脚本命令. 初始化package.json -> npm init -> 经历一系列的问答即可 { // ... "scripts": { "build": "node start.js" } } 此时我们执行 npm run build 就等于执行 node start.js [npm脚本的优势] 项目的相关脚本都集中在一个地方 可以利用…
本文来源于我在InfoQ中文站翻译的文章.原文地址是: Cory House是"Building Applications with React and Flux"与"Clean Code: Writing Code for Humans"的作者.同一时候也是Pluralsight上众多课程的讲师.他是VinSolutions的软件架构师…
npm scripts 常用规范总结 随着 npm scripts 使用越来越多,需要规范一下, npm run 的使用词. 定义 我定义如下形式: npm run <action>:<scope>:<target> action: 是指行为动作,一般用动词表示,用来表示自己的意图,意思就是我想干什么 scope: 是指在当前 action 下的范围,一般是名词,用来约束 action 的范围,意思是某某环境下,我干什么 target: 是指具体的目标,你想达成的目标,…
In this lesson we will look at running several npm scripts in parallel. Sometimes you don’t need scripts to be run in series and switching them to run in parallel can increase performance since they are not blocking each other. At the end you need to…
The need for comments in your package.json file becomes desirable the more and more npm scripts you start to define. At first glance this might seem like a show stopper since JSON does not support comments, but there are ways around this limitation t…
In this lesson we will look at different ways you can list the available npm scripts. Whether we want to pipe npm run through less or install an npm package such as completion or ntl, we have many options to quickly execute scripts with shell tab com…
In addition to package.json level variables (such as name and version), you can have custom conf settings that can be used in your npm scripts. These config values can be overridden outside of the package.json by using the npm config set command if n…
In this lesson we will show that you can leverage values that you already have provided in your package.json file such as the name and version keys. You may want to use these in your npm scripts as you create folders and file names. To check all the…
Often times you’ll have variations that you’ll want to make to your npm scripts and repeating yourself is inefficient and verbose. Instead you can create a base script and pass arguments into it from another script. For example, you have a script: "t…
需求场景: 希望通过一个webpack文件夹管理多个站点的打包流程. 假设现在我要为站点domain配置打包流程. npm 添加淘宝镜像 你懂得 vim ~/.npmrc registry = Mac 启动mysql mysql.server start mysql -uroot -p 工程目录结构 所有站点共用的目录为css和js, 这两个文件夹存放公共的css和js模块. 打包出来的文件输出在dist/xxx文件夹下 各个站点的…
windows set NODE_ENV=production "scripts": { "release": "set NODE_ENV=production && gulp rtm", "dev": "set NODE_ENV=development && gulp watch", } linux & mac export NODE_ENV=production…
我们平时阅读一些开源项目,可能会发现有些项目的package.json里的scripts区域定义的脚本很复杂,令人眼花缭乱. 其实这些脚本是有规律可循的.让我们从最简单的一个例子开始学习. 新建一个空文件夹,执行命令npm init,会自动在该文件夹下生成一个package.json. 这个init其实是一个向导,会针对package.json里待生成的每一个字段询问您想填什么值.一路回车,使用默认值即可. 自动生成的package.json内容如下. 我们现在对这个package.json进行…
In this lesson we will run a set of scripts that are grouped together with a wildcard using the npm-run-all node package. Using this technique can help you simplify and organize your scripts. Install: npm i -D npm-run-all Instead of running 'eslint s…
Running multiple scripts in series or in parallel can become very verbose. Using a tool such as npm-run-all can help reduce the amount of overhead you have to type in order to get the same behavior. Install: npm i -D npm-run-all "scripts": { &qu…
After creating several npm script it becomes useful to run multiple scripts back-to-back in series. This is a nice feature because you can enforce that one script needs to complete before starting another one. "scripts": { "start": &qu…
管道(|)运算符会将一个命令的输出以流的方式作为另一个命令的输入. 重定向(>)运算符则会将输出重定向到文件. < 将文件内容输入到一个命令 在Unix中,还可以通过“&”运算符同时运行两个命令.npm run script1.js & npm run script2.js npm-run-all   A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. run-s is for sequential…
In this lesson we will look about how we can integrate with git hooks to help enforce a certain level of quality before you either commit your code or push to a remote repository. Install: npm i -D husky Add script: For each commit: "precommit":…
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