Physics Experiment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 1489   Accepted: 509   Special Judge Description Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the experiment,…
Physics Experiment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2936   Accepted: 1045   Special Judge Description Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the experiment,…
Description Simon ), the first ball is released and falls down due to the gravity. After that, the balls are released one by one in every second until all balls have been released. When a ball hits the ground, it will bounce back with the same speed…
和蚂蚁问题类似. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int c,n; double h,r,t,T; ]; double cal(double time) { ) return h; ; ) { if(time<=T…
Physics Experiment Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 3392 Accepted: 1177 Special Judge Description Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the experiment, all N…
物理实验 题目大意:有一个与地面垂直的管子,管口与地面相距H,管子里面有很多弹性球,从t=0时,第一个球从管口求开始下落,然后每1s就会又有球从球当前位置开始下落,球碰到地面原速返回,球与球之间相碰会发生完全弹性碰撞(各自方向改变,速率变为相碰时另一个球的速率)问最后所有球的位置? 这一题又是一道弹性碰撞模型的题目,和Liner World有点像,但是这一题不要求输出球的名字,而是要你求得各个球的高度 这道题我们只用明白一个道理就很方便了: 首先我们来看一个球的情况: 一个球从H的高度下落,碰到…
题意 有一个竖直的管子内有n个小球,小球的半径为r,最下面的小球距离地面h高度,让小球每隔一秒自由下落一个,小球与地面,小球与小球之间可视为弹性碰撞,让求T时间后这些小球的分布 Input The first line of the input contains one integer C (C ≤ 20) indicating the number of test cases. Each of the following lines contains four integers N, H, R…
原题如下: Physics Experiment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 3583   Accepted: 1275   Special Judge Description Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the exper…
Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the experiment, all N balls are fastened within a vertical tube one by one and the lowest point of the lowest ball is H meters above the ground.…
Physics Experiment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 784   Accepted: 266   Special Judge Description Simon is doing a physics experiment with N identical balls with the same radius of R centimeters. Before the experiment, a…