class Book { // ... static int count; } This example declares a count integer field that stores the number of Book objects created. The declaration b…
References: [1] [2] 1. Java 8 and Java 7 Date classes The main change in the Java 8 date time API is that date and time is now no l…
In Java, a utility class is a class that defines a set of methods that perform common functions. This post shows the most frequently used Java utility classes and their most commonly used methods. Both the class list and their method list are ordered…
鄙人最近尝试着翻译了自己的第一篇英文技术文档.Java Nested Classes Reference From Oracle Documentation 目录 嵌套类-Nested Classes 为什么使用嵌套类-Why Use Nested Classes? 静态嵌套类-Static Nested Classes 内部类-Inner Classes 局部类-Local Classes 匿名类-Anonymous Classes 变量覆盖问题-Shadowing 序列化问题-Seriali…
好几年不写博客了,人也慢慢变懒了.然而想写了却不知道写点啥,正好最近手头有点小项目就分享一下经历. 现在 java 的大环境下,基本都是围着 spring 转,加上一堆其他的库.有了架子就开始搞业务了,大家都忙的焦头烂额.写业务的时候经常碰到操作集合的情况,基本上就是 都用上,实在不行就各种循环,各种容器 array,list,map 纷纷上阵.但是本人是从 C# 转到 java 的,总是觉得这么搞浪费开发效率,非常不爽.这里嘲讽一下自己,有的用就不错了,还挑…
Apache Spark is built around a distributed collection of immutable Java Virtual Machine (JVM) objects called Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs for short). As we are working with Python, it is important to note that the Python data is stored within…
1.2. The Java "White Paper" BuzzwordsThe authors of Java have written an influential White Paper that explains their design goals and accomplishments. They also published a shorter summary that is organized along the following 11 buzzwords:1. Si…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.20.Exam.1.Java.1.001-[1z0-807] Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-10-22 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral Evaluation:... Writ…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.16.EBook.4.Java.1.007-[疯狂Java讲义第3版 李刚]-  Java基础类 Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-09-19 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral E…
20165230 <Java程序设计>实验二(Java面向对象程序设计)实验报告 一.实验报告封面 课程:Java程序设计 班级:1652班 姓名:田坤烨 学号:20165230 成绩: 指导教师:娄嘉鹏 实验日期:2018年4月16日 实验时间:15:45 - 17:20 实验序号:实验二 实验名称:Java面向对象程序设计 实验内容: 初步掌握单元测试和TDD 理解并掌握面向对象三要素:封装.继承.多态 初步掌握UML建模 熟悉S.O.L.I.D原则 了解设计模式 实验要求: 没有Linu…