basic play】的更多相关文章

Atitit HTTP认证机制基本验证 (Basic Authentication) 和摘要验证 (Digest Authentication)attilax总结 1.1. 最广泛使用的是基本验证 (Basic Authentication) 和摘要验证 (Digest Authentication).1 1.2. 关于HTTP AUTH的文档不多.1 1.3. 什么是HTTP基本认证1 1.4. 适用场合 路由器 摄像头2 1.5. 其他认证  除了基本认证(Basic Authenticat…
After learning the basic opreation of Redis,we should take some time to summarize the usage. And I wrote my first edition RedisHelper.Here is the code: The Interface IRedis: public interface IRedis { ITransaction GetTransaction(, bool isRead = false)…
Data play an important part in our project,how can we ensure correctness of the data and prevent the data from error.In relational database, we are famillar with the usage of transaction. begin opreations commit/rollback But there are some difference…
This post is mainly about the publishment and subscription in Redis.I think you may subscribe some offiial accounts on wechat,and when the authors published something new to their accounts,you will get them in your wechat.The instance can make you un…
Redis's List is different from C#'s List,but similar with C#'s LinkedList.Sometimes I confuse with them.I expect that you won't mix them and have a clear mind of them. There are 17 commands we can use in List. Push and pop are the base opreation of t…
The last post is mainly about the unsorted set,in this post I will show you the sorted set playing an important role in Redis.There are many command added after the version 2.8.9.OK,let's see the below picture firstly.There are 24 commands to handle…
This post will introduce you to some usages of Set in Redis.The Set is a unordered set,it means that the data was stored in the database randomly.And there are 15 commands you can use in Redis,the same as Hash. For storing the data to database,we can…
When you first saw the name of Hash,what do you think?HashSet,HashTable or other data structs of C#?As for me, the first time I saw the Hash,I considered is as the HashTable.Actually,Hash can identify with HashTable,the same as DataRow.A row data of…
This post is mainly about how to use the commands to handle the Strings of Redis.And I will show you both the native commands and the usage of the StackExchange.Redis.The version of Redis is 3.2.3 and the vesion of StackExchange.Redis is 1.1.604-alph…
Nowaday, Redis became more and more popular , many projects use it in the cache module and the store module. There are already many people wrote posts about Redis.And I am vary pleasure to join them to share my learing of Redis. But I am new in this…
Source: The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain from the scalp. The recorded waveforms reflect the cortical electrical activity. Signal…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero. You may assume that the given ex…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
前言:最近,讨论到数据库安全的问题,于是就引出了WebApi服务没有加任何验证的问题.也就是说,任何人只要知道了接口的url,都能够模拟http请求去访问我们的服务接口,从而去增删改查数据库,这后果想想都恐怖.经过一番折腾,总算是加上了接口的身份认证,在此记录下,也给需要做身份认证的园友们提供参考. WebApi系列文章 C#进阶系列——WebApi接口测试工具:WebApiTestClient C#进阶系列——WebApi 跨域问题解决方案:CORS C#进阶系列——WebApi身份认证解决方…
Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
Learning basic Linux commands Command Description $ ls This command is used to check the contents ofthe directory. $ pwd This command is used to check the presentworking directory. $ mkdir work We will work in a separate directory calledwork in our h…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero. You may assume that the given ex…
Openpyxl basic function demo code demo code: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ summary description - openpyxl basic功能练习 - :REQUIRES: :TODO: :AUTHOR: Pengtao.Fan :ORGANIZA…
原创地址: 转载请注明出处 如何在WCF中使用Transport Security Mode,以及如何创建证书,请参见<WCF basicHttpBinding之Transport Security Mode, clientCredentialType="None">,本文介绍如何使用Basic clientCredentialType. server web.config <?xm…
mongoDB basic from: prject: overview getting-start collection dataType insert find Overview MongoDB is a cross-platform, document oriented database that provides, high perfor…
看到Microsoft官方一篇关于异步编程的文章,感觉挺好,不敢独享,分享给大家. 原文地址: 通过使用异步编程,你可以避免性能瓶颈并增强应用程序的总体响应能力. 但是,编写异步应用程序的传统技术可能比较复杂,使它们难以编写.调试和维护. Visual Studio 2012 引入了一个简化的方法(即异步编程),该方法利用 .NET Framework 4.5 和 Windows 运行时中…
先看效果图: 增加: 修改: 删除: 具体实现: html与js代码: @{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Basic CRUD Application - jQuery EasyUI CRUD Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet"…
当某个页面需要认证才能进行访问时,接到请求后服务器端会在响应头中发送一个 WWW-Authenticate 首部(用来标识认证安全域),语法为 WWW-Authenticate:Basic relam=quoted-string 客户端接收到后会弹出一个对话框,要求输入用户名和密码,用户输入的用户名和密码将会分别保存至 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] 和 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] 中,开发者可以设计程序验证用户输入的用户名和密码是否正确. 当用户输入用户…
在.htaccess文件中增加 AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd/test.htpasswd AuthName EnterPassword AuthType Basic require valid-user #htpasswd密码文件生成.Create a password file Filename with username as the initial ID. It will prompt for the password htpasswd -c Filenam…
basic.consume指的是channel在 某个队列上注册消费者,那在这个队列有消息来了之后,就会把消息转发到给此channel处理,如果 这个队列有多个消费者,则会采用轮转的方式将消息分发给消息者. 首先是rabbit_reader接收数据包后,解析组装出其中的method,channel方法交给channel处理.具体过程见 channel进程处理basic.consume的方法.先从状…
一.iOS进行Basic认证 只需要在NSMutableURLRequest的Header中添加认证所需的Username和password. NSMutableURLRequest *webReq = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:self.url]; //添加认证信息 NSString *authString = [[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", username, password] dataU…
前言:最近,讨论到数据库安全的问题,于是就引出了WebApi服务没有加任何验证的问题.也就是说,任何人只要知道了接口的url,都能够模拟http请求去访问我们的服务接口,从而去增删改查数据库,这后果想想都恐怖.经过一番折腾,总算是加上了接口的身份认证,在此记录下,也给需要做身份认证的园友们提供参考. 一.为什么需要身份认证 在前言里面,我们说了,如果没有启用身份认证,那么任何匿名用户只要知道了我们服务的url,就能随意访问我们的服务接口,从而访问或修改数据库. 1.我们不加身份认证,匿名用户可以…
由于服务器端对于调用API获取数据接口进行了限制,需要在调用API之前获取一个access-token,所以需要在iOS里实现获取这个access-token的功能. 服务器端是在ASP.NET中基于Owin OAuth使用Client Credentials Grand方式发放Token,具体的实现细节可以参考这篇博客. 根据服务端提供的测试代码,如下: private async Task GetAccessToken(string grantType, string userName =…
Matlab basic operation: >> 5+6 ans = 11 >> 3*4 ans = 12 >> 2^6 ans = 64 >> 1==2 ans = 0 >> 1~=2 ans = 1 >> 1&&0 ans = 0 >> 1||0 ans = 1 >> xor(1,0) ans = 1 >> xor(1,1) ans = 0 >> who 您的变量…