Largest Allowed Area【模拟+二分】】的更多相关文章

<题目链接> 题目大意:给你一个由01组成的矩形,现在问你,该矩形中,最多只含一个1的正方形的边长最长是多少. 解题分析: 用二维前缀和维护一下矩形的01值,便于后面直接$O(1)$查询任意子矩阵中1的个数,然后就是二分答案枚举边长. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; template<typename T> inline void read(T&x){ x=;;char ch = getchar();…
Largest Allowed Area 题目链接(点击) 题目描述 A company is looking for land to build its headquarters. It has a lot of money and can buy as many land patches as it needs. Its goal, however, is finding the largest square region containing no forest. Unfortunatel…
题目地址: ,刚開始事实上没做这个题,而是在做当中非常重要的一步就是用到Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram题中的算法. Given n non-negative integers representing the histog…
在HankerRank遇到一题计算柱状图连续矩形面积的问题. 举例 hist = [3, 2, 3]. 在这个柱状图里面最大可以容纳一个high = 2 length = 3的连续矩形, 其面积 = 2*3 = 6. 按照提示需要使用stack来是时间复杂度保持在O(n). 搜索提示和代码, 把自己的理解描述如下: 加入数组是升序的 hist = [1, 2, 3] 因为数组是升序的, 所以每一个都会和之后的 high 形成更大的连续面积. 也因为数组是升序的, 所以每一个都会和之前的 high…
problem 812. Largest Triangle Area solution: class Solution { public: double largestTriangleArea(vector<vector<int>>& points) { double res = 0.0; , y1=, x2=, y2=, x3=, y3=; ; i<points.size(); ++i) { ; j<points.size(); ++j) { ; k<p…
某天,无聊的小斌叫上几个同学玩游戏,其中有比较笨的小兴,比较傻的小雪,可爱的小霞和自以为是的小楠.他们去找聪明的小明去给他们当裁判.判定谁取得游戏胜利. 而这个游戏是由小斌想个1到10000000的数字让大家猜,看谁先猜中.为了防止小斌作弊,小明记录下了游戏的整个过程.你的任务是判断小斌是否有作弊. Input 输入数据包括多盘游戏.一次猜数包含两行,第一行是一个数字n(1<=n<=10000000),表示所猜数字.第二行是小斌的回答为"too high","to…
The "endless" model in "I, zombie" of "Plants vs. Zombies" is my favourite. The aim of the game is to put down the zombies most reasonable in the right-most , to eat the brain protected by Plants in the left-most.To simplify…
You have a list of points in the plane. Return the area of the largest triangle that can be formed by any 3 of the points. Example: Input: points = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,2],[2,0]] Output: 2 Explanation: The five points are show in the figure below. T…
You have a list of points in the plane. Return the area of the largest triangle that can be formed by any 3 of the points. Example: Input: points = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,2],[2,0]] Output: 2 Explanation: The five points are show in the figure below. T…
题目要求 You have a list of points in the plane. Return the area of the largest triangle that can be formed by any 3 of the points. 题目分析及思路 给定一个平面上的一组点,要求得到由这些点中任意三个所能组成最大面积的三角形.可以对这一组点进行三三组合,然后利用已知三点求三角形面积的公式得到每一组点所对应的三角形面积,最后取其中的最大值即为所求. python代码 class…