First ,you should download all zips you need Anriod 9.0 rom link: ... Jdk&export=download 3rdparty recovery(include twrp) link: Extration code:heg4 fireware link:https://g…
ref: OpenCV4Android SDK This tutorial was designed to help you with installation and configuration of OpenCV4Android SDK. This guide was writ…
前几个星期接到公司一个项目,要用webview在客户端上播视频,作为一个前端实习生,这种需求真是蛋疼……一不知webview是何方神圣,二不知咋调试…… 下面就是蛋疼的开始:  寻找调试工具:好,非weinre莫属了,又是node的,又是npm的……且行且珍惜(虽然UC浏览器有个开发者版本,但调试麻烦,没有weinre灵活.) 项目的视频抓取自新浪和优酷 ①抓来的优酷视频是个flash(下面顺便把优酷这个坑爹的也说了吧,最后想了下,还是在另外一片随笔发吧),直接嵌到(ui)webview里播放就… OpenCV4Android SDK This tutorial was designed to help you with installation and configuration of OpenCV4Android SDK. This guide was written w…
流行的ReactNative.Node.js.Angular.js.RXjs等技术 H5视频直播 ReactNative应用 JavaScript的新语法 高性能服务端框架 Webpack支撑大规模应用开发 Angular2 Vue.js 3D引擎架构 RxJs构建流式前端应用 内容元素content 图像image 音频audio 元信息metadata 编解码器codec 视频video 容器文件格式 帧率frame rate 码率bit rate 分辨率bit rate 图片群组group…
2019-1-7Xiaomi Mi5 刷全球版MIUI教程 mi5 教程 小书匠  欢迎走进zozo的学习之旅. 前言 固件下载 刷机 刷recovery,root 试用体验 其他参考 前言 机器是老了,但还不至于吃土,MIUI9开发版不知道是哪个版本以后就有些卡顿,升级到10以后卡顿也没有什么缓解,尤其是支付宝扫一扫偶尔卡出翔很是丢面.是骁龙820不行了,那显然不是,想想也还是MIUI大而全较占资源导致.限制一下系统的性能,在开发者模式下限制后台[1],打开GPU渲染,关闭动画缩放,基本就感受…
参考: React native中文网: 1.安装Jdk(最好默认安装路径尽量别改)三个环境变量都配置)  Ja…
Compiling OpenGL games with the Flash C Compiler (FlasCC) In this article I show how to use the Flash C++ Compiler (FlasCC) to port the popular open source OpenGL game Neverball to the Flash runtime with minimal modification of the codebase or build…
copy from: Selenium tutorial/overview 1. Selenium Introduction 2. Selenium Installation 3.Getting Started/Selenium RC steps 4.Selenium Tips and Quirks/FAQ 5. Extending Selenium 6. Selenium 2(pros/cons) 7. Load testing…
How to Create a Bootable UEFI USB Flash Drive for Installing Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 Information This tutorial will show you how to create a Windows 7 or Windows 8 or 8.1 installation bootable USB flash drive for UEFIfrom either a Window…