让这个老实返回的页面添加特殊路由,这个页面常常都是登录注册.这次我们根据登录举例. 省略 { path:'/login?url=:url', name:'loginfirst', component:()=>import ('../views/login.vue') }, { path:'/login', name:'loginsecond', component:()=>import ('../views/login.vue') } 省略 我们在登录的按钮上这样搞. 获取这个页面的路由地址,…
How do I add new attribute (element) to JSON object using JavaScript? JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. A JSON object is really a string that has yet to be turned into the object it represents. To add a property to an existing object in JS…
var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style"); msViewportStyle.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "@media screen and (orientation: portrait) {" + "@-ms-viewport {width: 320px !important;}" + "}" + "@…
In this lesson, we'll use Ramda's toPairs function, along with map, join, concatand compose to create a reusable function that will convert an object to a querystring. const R = require('ramda'); const {map, join, concat, compose, toPairs} = R; const…
I've written multiple articles here at Javalobby on the Hibernate O/R mapping tool, and they are usually met with a large degree of popularity. Hibernate isn't just a popular kid on the block, however; it is actually a very powerful, consistent, and…
HQL的语法比较简单,与普通SQL的区别之处是针对对象的不同,在查询语句中将sql中的表名替换成了sql中的持久化类名,因为hibernate机制是基于对象进行查询的. 不带参数的查询,语句是“from POJO”的形式,其中POJO即为持久化类名称 Query query=session.createQuery("from User"); 带参数的查询 接口Query提供了对命名参数.JDBC风格的(?)两种参数的绑定方法. 命名参数在查询字符串中是形如name的标识符. 命名参数的…
使用 :param的方式来传递参数,下面举个例子 @PersistenceContext ​​​​​​​EntityManager em @Override public List<Map> ajaxRelationByCompanyUUID(String companyUUID, String ajaxQuery,List<Integer> types, Integer fetchSize) { String sql = "select * from Company w…
最近在项目中,通过maven引入其他包时,启动报错如下: [ERROR][2016-10-08 14:01:20.716]Context initialization failed[org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader:initWebApplicationContext]org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration…
HQL是一种面向对象的查询语言,其中没有表和字段的概念,只有类,对象和属性的概念. 使用HQL查询所有学生: public static void main(String[] args) { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "from Student"; Query query = sessi…
Office的所有COM Add In,包括用Shared Add In模板和VSTO Add In模板创建的,都会在注表里面存储一些信息.对于当前用户安装的Add In,以Excel为例,对应的注册表键值存储于:My Computer"HKCU"Software"Microsoft"Office"Addins"AddInName:机器级别的Add In存储于:My Computer"HKLM"Software"Mi…