multi selects & mutually exclusive】的更多相关文章

multi selects & mutually exclusive 互斥 selects import React, { useState, // useEffect, // useRef, } from 'react'; // import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; import { Select, } from "antd"; const { Option } = Select;…
由于曝出漏洞(CVE-2017-3248)需要将weblogic补丁更新至B25A,但是出现报错.如下: Conflict(s) detected - resolve conflict condition and execute patch installation again Conflict condition details follow: Patch B25A is mutually exclusive and cannot coexist with patch(es): UIAL 看意…
什么是MECE分析法? MECE,是Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive,中文意思是“相互独立,完全穷尽”. 也就是对于一个重大的议题,能够做到不重叠.不遗漏的分类,而且能够藉此有效把握问题的核心,并解决问题的方法. 它是麦肯锡的第一个女咨询顾问巴巴拉·明托(Barbara Minto)在金字塔原理(The Minto Pyramid Principle)中提出的一个很重要的原则. 所谓的不遗漏.不重叠指在将某个整体(不论是客观存在的还是概念性的整…
一.金字塔原理 它的样子: 一个中心思想,分出下面2到N个思想支撑,每个分论点下面又有2到N个思想(事实或数据)支撑,以此类推,形状如金字塔.原则是以终为始(先结果后原因),以上统下,归纳分组,逻辑递进. 金字塔原理是一种重点突出.逻辑清晰.主次分明的逻辑思路.表达方式和规范动作. 金字塔的基本结构是:中心思想明确,结论先行,以上统下,归类分组,逻辑递进.先重要后次要,先全局后细节,先结论后原因,先结果后过程    金字塔训练表达者:关注.挖掘受众的意图.需求.利益点.关注点.兴趣点和兴奋点,想…
5.2Events The collection of all 52 cards—the possible outcomes—is called the sample space for this experiment Relationships Among Events More generally, for any numbers x and y, the phrase “at least x” means “greater than or equal to x,” the phrase “…
commands : show sys connect sys as sysdba or connect system as sysdba logout or disc clear screen or cle screen (utlsample.sql  —> unlock scott tables.sql  —> all tables data.sql  —> add data into tables) connect scott/tiger start C:\utlsample.sq…
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 (ILSVRC2015) Legend: Yellow background = winner in this task according to this metric; authors are willing to reveal the method White background = authors are willing to reveal the method Grey background…
Automake是用来根据Makefile.am生成Makefile.in的工具 标准Makefile目标 'make all' Build programs, libraries, documentation, etc. (same as 'make'). 'make install' Install what needs to be installed, copying the files from the package's tree to system-wide directories.…
1. Introduction 1.1. About 1.2. Sphinx features 1.3. Where to get Sphinx 1.4. License 1.5. Credits 1.6. History 2. Installation 2.1. Supported systems 2.2. Compiling Sphinx from source 2.2.1. Required tools 2.2.2. Compiling on Linux 2.2.3. Known comp…
SHP导入POSTGIS数据库 引用 直接导入数据库 shp2pgsql  -I -s 2437 -W GBK shop_point.shp public.ntable | psql -U postgres -w -d jwsz 导出sql再导入数据库 shp2pgsql -s "2437" -W "GBK" -I D:\shop_point.shp newTable > D:\shop_point.sql psql -U postgres -f D:/sho…