一.创建Maven Project 1.右击 --> New --> Other,--> Maven --> Maven Project --> Next 2.如下图,选中Create a simple project --> Next 3.输入Group Id, Artifact Id, Version, Packaging选择pom,因为创建的Maven Project是一个聚合模块,没有实际代码.Name, Description两项可以不用输入.因为创建的Mav…
今天用了下lemon清理了下垃圾后,IDEA打开项目类文件图标由C变为J,在IDEA右侧的Maven Project中点击刷新提示IDEA Unable to import maven project: See logs for details. 解决方法: 这里由jre改为jdk,然后重启IDEA.…
前面已经创建maven web工程,但是问题来了,创建maven web工程之后会出现如下的错误,在pom.xml文件头部 有以下的错误 Description Resource Path Location Type Cannot detect Web Project version. Please specify version of Web Project through <version> configuration property of war plugin. E.g.: <p…
创建maven项目的时候,maven文件头报错: Cannot detect Web Project version. Please specify version of Web Project through <version> configuration property of war plugin. E.g.: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <configuration>…
The error message while trying to create a ADO.net Entity Data Model ( Entity Framework 6 ) for MySql Database in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 "Your project references the latest version of Entity Framework; however, an Entity Framework database prov…
If you face this error message while adding a reference to your project in Visual Studio try the following steps. In File Explorer go to the directory of the DLL you are trying to add as reference. Right Click and select properties Click on UnBlock B…
项目背景: 系统有C.D两个盘,Android Studio安装在D盘,sdk安装在C盘. 出现的问题: 从git拉取项目后,一直编译不通过,提示“NDK Resolution Outcome: Project settings: Gradle model version=4.10.1, NDK version is UNKNOWN”,分析应该是ndk引起的,由于是新电脑,第一个安装环境,ndk没有安装,所以就去下载ndk相关的东西,但是仍然不行.经历了大半天的折腾,最后想着把sdk从C盘移到D…
如何在eclipse jee中创建Maven project并且转换为Dynamic web project 注意:该文档只针对以下eclipse版本,如图 为了方便,我将我本地的压缩包放在了微云网盘中,大家可以直接下载,jee,subversion,m2eclipse都集成好了,下载地址 链接:http://url.cn/Mqe9ap (密码:qHjz) 一.创建maven工程 在eclipse的菜单栏选择File->New->Other->Maven->Maven Projec…
Difference between C# compiler version and language version     As nobody gives a good enough answer, I will have a try now. First, C# has its version history published by Microsoft now (coming from MVP posts obviously), https://docs.microsoft.com/en…
1. when compile /home/wangxiao/NVIDIA-CUDA-7.5 SAMPLES, it warning: gcc version larger than 4.9 not supported, so:old verson of gcc and g++ are needed: sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7 sudo apt-get install g++-4.7 then, a link needed : sudo ln -s /usr/bi…