[root@sishen simpleblog]# python3.5 Python 3.5.4 (default, Sep 20 2017, 20:37:45) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> e…
It is great to be able to build small utilities on top of an excellent RDBMS. Thank you MySQL. This is a small but complex utility to perform online schema change for MySQL. We call it OSC and the source is here. Some ALTER TABLE statements take too…
Awesome Go      financial support to Awesome Go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you…
OpenStack 2014.1 (Icehouse) Release Notes General Upgrade Notes Windows packagers should use pbr 0.8 to avoid bug 1294246 The log-config option has been renamed log-config-append, and will now append any configuration specified, rather than completel…
转自: Prisma 2 will introduce many fundamental improvements. Making the Prisma server optional, an improved datamodel, better migrations, and a more powerful client API are only some of the…
原文:数据库迁移(Database-Migrations)操作实例 很多人可能在学习Laravel框架的时候,对Laravel的数据库迁移(以下简称Migrations)存在着疑惑: 1. 什么是 Migrations? 2. 为什么要用 Migrations? 3. Migrations 到底方便在哪里? 好了,抱着这些问题,我们今天就一起来学习Migrations. 什么是 Migrations? 我们先来看…
目录 一.什么是DDL? 二.表级锁和元数据锁 2.1.什么是表锁? 2.2.什么是MDL? 三.什么是无损DDL? 四.DDL重建表 Mysql5.5之前重建表 Mysql5.6之后重建表 五.ghost工具源码梳理 5.1.工作模式 5.1.1 主从模式a 5.1.2 主主模式b 5.1.3 migrate/test on relica 5.1.前置性检查 5.2.创建streamer监听binlog 5.3.创建xxx_ghc表,xxx_gho表. 5.4 开始迁移数据 5.5 cut-o…
Comparison Between Python ORMs For each Python ORM presented in this article, we are going to list their pros and cons here: SQLObject Pros: Adopted the easy-to-understand ActiveRecord pattern A relatively small codebase Cons: Naming of methods and c…
django的模型就是用于在数据库中存储的某种类型的对象.在我们的博客系统中, 发表的文章就是一个模型,需要存储在数据库中. 这里我们使用django默认的sqlite3库,对于我们的这个小系统而言已经足够了. 创建一个应用 在django中有两个概念需要弄清楚.一个是工程(project)的概念,一个是应用(application)的概念. 它们的关系是:一个工程中包含多个应用.每个应用都是独立的,应用通过setting.py注册到工程中来就可以使用了. 这样可以解耦合,并且好的应用也可以复用…