中文稍后补充,先上官方原版教程.ROS Kinetic 搭配 Gazebo 7 附件----官方教程 Tutorial: ROS integration overview As of Gazebo 1.9 and ROS Hydro, Gazebo no longer has any direct ROS dependencies and is now installed as an Ubuntu stand-alone package. Historically using Gazebo wi…
至此,我们初步学习了ROS的基本工具,接下来一步步理解ROS的各个工作部件的创建和工作原理. 本文的详细文档:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/623f41b3376baf1ffd4fad7a Creating a ROS msg and srv This tutorial covers how to create and build msg and srv files as well as therosmsg, rossrv and roscp commandline t…
Learning ROS 学习ROS Depending on your learning style and preferences, you can take two approaches to learning ROS: 根据你的学习风格和喜好,你可以采取两种方法来学习ROS: Start the Tutorials - Dive in right away and start working with ROS. 一种是直接开始上手操作ROS (教程:http://wiki.ros.or…
rospack = ros+pack(age) : provides information related to ROS packages rosstack = ros+stack : provides information related to ROS stacks roscd = ros+cd : changes directory to a ROS package or stack rosls = ros+ls : lists files in a ROS package roscp…
路径规划:从一个点到另一个点,规划出最优的路线.用到service :make_plan (nav_msgs/GetPlan) 服务名为move_base_node/make_plan nav_msgs/GetPlan api: # Get a plan from the current position to the goal Pose # The start pose for the plan geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start # The final pose…
test_custom_particles.cpp // // Created by gary on 2019/8/27. // #include <ros/ros.h> #include <std_msgs/String.h> #include <geometry_msgs/PoseArray.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h> #include "amcl/amcl_particles.h" #inc…
本文主要部分全部来源于ROS官网的Tutorials. Setup roscore # making sure that we have roscore running rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key # Now you can use the arrow keys of the keyboard to drive the turtle around. ROS Topics sudo apt-g…
roscpp doxgen 这只是我摘取的一些主要代码 node_handle.cpp //NodeHandle的构造函数 void NodeHandle::construct(const std::string& ns, bool validate_name) { ros::start(); } init.h #This method enters a loop, processing callbacks. This method should only be used # * if the…