Software Testing Techniques Homework 3】的更多相关文章

1. a.This is the chart b. initial numPrimes = 4, t1 would over the loop. c. t = ( n = 1) d. node coverage: TR = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} Test Paths :[1,2,3,4,5,6,3,7,8,9,2,10,11,10,12] edge coverage:TR = {(1,2),(2,10),(10,12),(10,11),(11,10),(2,3…
Problem 1 1. The fault is i > 0, it should be  i >= 0, because if the case is x = [0], y= 0, we expect = 1, but actually, we get -1; 2.  test: x = [], y = 1 does not execute the fault; 3.  test: x = [1,2,3], y = 3 executes the fault, but does not re…
I have met some errors in recent years, one of them which impress me most. It happend when I try to finish a web project with javascript for my web final project. In a web project, we often use 'button' to trigger some events, some times it is very s…
1. Installing 1. Install firefox 38.5.1 2. Install SeleniumIDE    After installing, I set the view of toolbox, then we can see this 3. Install Selenium Client & WebDrive 4. Install Selenium Standalone Server 5. Installed Test After downloading we hav…
1. Installing  1. Install Junit and hamcrest First, I download the Junit-4.12.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar Then. I add them into eclipse library After installing,    2. Installing eclemma Installing with Eclipse Marketplace 2. Testing Coding Write a…
Software Testing Part I:The Big Picture 1.Software Testing Background Bug's formal definition 1.The software doesn't do something that the product specification says it should do. 2.The software does something that the product specification says it s…
Web Application Penetration Testing Local File Inclusion (LFI) Testing Techniques Jan 04, 2017, Version 1.0 Contents What is a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability? Example of Vulnerable Code Identifying LFI Vulnerabilities within Web Application…
101+ Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers…
最近找到去年上半年看过一本关于测试方面书籍的总结笔记,一直放在我的个人U盘里,当时是用Xmind记录的,现在重新整理下分享给大家了! James A.Whittaker [美] 詹姆斯·惠特克(软件测试领域绝对的大师)著作<Exploratory Software Testing>,中文名<探索式软件测试>,记得当时被这本书深深吸引啦(我不知道有多少做测试的小伙伴看过这本书)!感觉是测试方面一本必不可少的书籍,瞬间感觉测试的魅力!废话不多说,直接来干货,希望可以给对探索式测试喜欢或…
软件测试(英语:software testing),描述一种用来促进鉴定软件的正确性.完整性.安全性和质量的过程.软件测试的经典定义是:在规定的条件下对程序进行操作,以发现程序错误,衡量软件质量,并对其是否能满足设计要求进行评估的过程.   软件测试是使用人工操作或者软件自动运行的方式来检验它是否满足规定的需求或弄清预期结果与实际结果之间的差别的过程.   它是帮助识别开发完成(中间或最终的版本)的计算机软件(整体或部分)的正确度(correctness) .完全度(completeness)和…