笔记:配置 webpack dev server 安装 webpack-dev-server 组件 配置 webpack.config.js 配置 增加 html-webpack-plugin 组件 启动 webpack-dev-server…
Testing your sites on mobile devices is a critical part of the development process. Webpack dev server enables you to visit the server from any device using the host option. This lesson walks you through accessing webpack dev server using an iPhon Ch…
本文摘要:配置 Webpack Dev Server 可以解决本地开发前端应用时,手动执行 webpack 命令或 yarn build 命令,再去浏览器中访问 dist/index.html 的麻烦耗时操作,可有效简化流程.本文实战演练配置 Webpack Dev Server 的方法与步骤. 在本地开发前端应用时,每次都手动执行 webpack 命令或 yarn build 命令,再去浏览器中访问 dist/index.html 是一件非常麻烦耗时的事情,可以通过配置 Webpack Dev…
参考:https://webpack.js.org/guides/development/ Adjusting Your Text Editor Some text editors have a "safe write" feature and enable this by default. As a result, saving a file will not always result in a recompile. Each editor has a different way…
Error: listen EADDRINUSE 它的意思是,端口5601被其他进程占用. 切换端口即可解决问题…
新版本webpack生成的dev.server.js 在webpack.dev.conf.js中 webpack.dev.conf.js const axios = require('axios') const express = require('express') const app = express() const apiRoutes = express.Router() app.use('/api', apiRoutes) 然后找到devserver 这里可以配置路由 devServe…
webpack 4 & dev server proxy https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserverproxy https://webpack.docschina.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver // webpack.config.js module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: { '/api': 'http://localhost:300…
终于到了webpack api这一篇,我都等不及了0.0; webpack is fed a configuration object. Depending on your usage of webpack there are two ways to pass this configuration object: webpack提供一个配置对象,取决于你咋用webpack,这有两种办法pass这个配置对象. CLI If you use the CLI it will read a file w…
2019年12月5日初稿,目前webpack已经更新到v4.41.2,本文正是基于该版本,在windows8.1操作系统下进行的demo编译,适用于想入门webpack的前端开发人员. webpack官方使用指南(参考1):https://www.webpackjs.com/guides/getting-started/ 本文参考(参考2):https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000006178770?utm_source=tag-newest#comment-area…
webpack.dev.conf.js  开发环境模式配置文件: 'use strict'//js按照严格模式执行 const utils = require('./utils')//导入utils.js const webpack = require('webpack')//使用webpack来使用webpack内置插件 const config = require('../config')//config文件夹下index.js文件 const merge = require('webpac…