链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/A 题意: You are both a shop keeper and a shop assistant at a small nearby shop. You have n goods, the i-th good costs ai coins. You got tired of remembering the price of each product when customers ask fo…
A. Equalize Prices Again 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/A 题意:给你 n 个数 , 你需要改变这些数使得这 n 个数的值相等 , 并且要求改变后所有数的和需大于等于原来的所有数字的和 , 然后输出满足题意且改变后最小的数值 分析: 签到题.记原来 n 个数的和为 sum , 先取这些数的平均值 ave , 然后每次判断 ave * n >= sum 是否成立成立则直接输出 , 不成立将 ave ++ #…
https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/A A. Equalize Prices Again #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main(){ int n,a; int t; cin>>t; ll sum = ,ans; while(t--){ cin>>n;sum = ; ;i < n;++i){ cin&g…
D. Equalize Them All time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given an array aa consisting of nn integers. You can perform the following operations arbitrary number of times…
链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/E 题意: Let's define pi(n) as the following permutation: [i,1,2,-,i−1,i+1,-,n]. This means that the i-th permutation is almost identity (i.e. which maps every element to itself) permutation but the elemen…
链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/D 题意: You are given a string s consisting of lowercase Latin letters and q queries for this string. Recall that the substring s[l;r] of the string s is the string slsl+1-sr. For example, the substrings…
链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/C 题意: You are given a system of pipes. It consists of two rows, each row consists of n pipes. The top left pipe has the coordinates (1,1) and the bottom right - (2,n). There are six types of pipes: two…