… First click show all files. Then in the bin folder choose any xml file and then right click and by selecting 'browse with' select your des… Browser Link feature in Visual Studio Preview 2013 Browser Link is just a channel between your Visual Studio IDE and any open browser. This will allow dynamic data exchange between your…
当你打开Visual Studio 2019 for Mac检查更新时,如果下载更新包很慢,可以尝试如下操作: 打开Finder(访达),找到~/Library/Caches/VisualStudio/8.0/TempDownload文件夹路径下的index.xml 使用XPath工具,用XPath表达式: //Url提取所有更新包的下载链接,然后用迅雷或IDM下载,再逐一安装更新即可. 截至2019.10.3 09:40,Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Preview通道…
from: Overview In this post, I'll walk you though how to create a SharePoint 2010  BCS .NET Connectivity Assembly in Visual Stu…
在项目中经常需要使用 Visual Studio Command Prompt编译项目,每次启动时都是默认进入 C:\windows\system32> 目录, 需要cd切换路径,如果把Visual Studio Command Prompt默认启动路径设置为项目路径,那么每次启动只要直接输入msbuild xx.sln就可以编译了,设置方法如下 Right click on "Developer Command Prompt for VS2013" shortcut (whic…
如何改变 Visual Studio 的默认环境设置: 1. 工具栏 Tools --> Import and Export Settings... 2. 选择 Reset All Settings,单击 “Next” 3. 选择保存设置的选项,单击“Next” 4. 选择想要设定的编程环境,点击“Finish”. 参考链接:…
本文转自: Browser Link is a new feature in Visual Studio 2013 that creates a communication channel between the development environment and one or more web browsers. You…
题记:Browser Link是VS 2013开始引入的一个强大功能,让前端代码(比如AngularJS的代码)在VS中的修改更加轻而易举. 前 端代码是运行在浏览器中,而Visual Studio通常只会和服务端代码交互.微软通过Browser Link技术在VS和浏览器之间架起了一个桥梁.这一技术是基于SignalR来实现的,虽然感觉把他们连接起来没有什么大不了的.但是,当你无数次在浏 览器上按F12来查看前端代码,你可知道Browser Link可以让你方便的回到VS中去浏览和修改他们.当…
/* Author: Jiangong SUN */ If you want to modify a project's namespace and its physical container name, here are some steps to do: In Visual Studio: Change the namespace in the code Change the namespace for the project Go to project properties, and m…