Tracking Results and Measuring Success goal -> driver ***Why Measuring Success Is Essential to the SEO Process***1.The Tracking Cycle: Produce, Launch, Measure, Refine *Define an SEO strategy, determine an implementation schedule, and establish a cle…
Mobile, Local, and Vertical SEO ***The Mobile Landscape***Mobile site speed:• Google Page Speed Insights• Mobi Test from Akamai• WebPageTest• W3C’s Mobile OK Checkerother resource:• 50+ Essential Mobile SEO Resources• “Mobile Site Audit Checklist”• “…
Developing an SEO-Friendly Website ***Making Your Site Accessible to Search Engines***1.Indexable Content2.Spiderable Link Structures3.XML Sitemaps ***Mobile Friendliness*** ***Keyword Targeting*** ***Content Optimization***1.A browser-safe sans seri…
Keyword Research ***The Theory Behind Keyword Research***1.When users go to search engines and type out their search query, they may use language that is entirely different from what you expect. 2.Take the time to go beyond the surface and use the to…
SEO Implementation:First Stages ***Development Platform and Information Architecture***1.Technology Decisions2.Structural Decisions:Target keywordsCross-link relevant content3.Mobile Sites ***Identifying Current Server Statistics Software and Gaining…
SEO Planning: Customizing Your Strategy ***Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development***Determining your available content assets is the first step toward leveraging themwithin the context of SEO.The content you have available to you will also…
preface:Andy Johns (@ibringtraffic):growth strategist@Wealthfront ***1.Search Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce****The Human Goals of Searching*One of the most important elements to building an SEO strategy for a website is developing…
How Social Media and User Data Play a Role in Search Results and Rankings ***Correlation Between Social Signals and Google Rankings*** ***What Is the Value of Social Signals?*** ***Bing’s Experiments with Social Signals*** ***User Engagement as a Mea…
***Search Engine Basics*** *Understanding How Vertical Results Fit into the SERPs* As a direct consequence, site owners and web marketers must take into account how this incorporation of vertical search results may impact their rankings and traffic.…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表 [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
There have been many excellent books that have greatly influenced what I believe and how I behave. I try to spend at least some time every day reading or listening to the audio version of a book that will improve my life in some way. When I first sta…
<计算机程序设计艺术>即<The Art of Computer Programming>是计算机领域里颠峰级的里程碑,加上国外人士对它的推崇,所以提起它的大名简直就象法律书籍中的宪法一样神圣. Donald.E.Knuth(唐 纳德.E.克努特,中文名高德纳)是算法和程序设计技术的先驱者,是计算机排版系统TEX和METAFONT的发明者,他因这些成就和大量创造性的影响深 远的著作(19部书和160篇论文)而誉满全球.作为斯坦福大学计算机程序设计艺术的荣誉退休教授,他当前正全神贯注…
Chapter 2. OpenSSL的安装和配置学习笔记 2.1 在linux上面安装OpenSSL我还是做点No paper事情比较在行,正好和老师的课程接轨一下.以前尝试过在Windows上面安装过openSSL,这次正好在Linux上面实现一下. 希望各位园友门纠错,征求意见中. 2.1.1 安装OpenSSL的系统环境和编译环境 测试环境:Linux MINT 16 Petra $ lsb_release -a #查看linux发行版本系统信息 No LSB modules are av…
<a>标签的SEO优化细节 如果需要在新窗口中打开链接,我们使用的方法是在a上加上taget=“_blank”,但很多人不知道这是不符合w3c的规范的,在使用严格的DOCTYPE(xhtml1-strict.dtd)校验时,会提示“there is no attribute target for this element(in this HTML version)”的错误信息. 所以很多老外写的东西基本上就不会出现taget=“_blank”.他们替换的方案是使用HTML4.0新增的标签rel…