/work/platform_bus_dev_drv/led_dev.c:52: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before string constant /work/platform_bus_dev_drv/led_dev.c:52: warning: data definition has no type or storage class /work/platform_bus_dev_drv/led_dev.c:52: wa…
/usr/include/sys/types.h:62: error: conflicting types for ‘dev_t’/usr/include/linux/types.h:13: error: previous declaration of ‘dev_t’ was here/usr/include/sys/types.h:67: error: conflicting types for ‘gid_t’/usr/include/linux/types.h:27: error: prev…
近期把项目移植到cocos2d-x 3.0,在整Android编译环境的时候,出现一大堆的编译出错,都是类似"error: expected ';' at end of member declaration"之类的,看了一些编译错误,都是cocos2d-x库里面的代码出错. 经过分析,怀疑可能是编译环境的问题,由于cocos2d-x使用了非常多C++11的新特性,这有可能导致老的编译器出错,看了一下NDK以下的文件以及toolchains里面的内容,windows编译器默认使用4.6,…
About a month ago, CodePlex have upgraded their TFS servers to to TFS 2010. While this transition was supposed to be invisible to users who connect using the SVN interface, it wasn’t. The Problem This is what I got while trying to update a project wh…
今天写代码是遇到这样一个问题error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '.' token:立马网上查,原来是说不能再全局域进行不能用于赋值.运算.调用函数等,只能做变量的声明和初始化变量. 下面是我出错的代码: #include <iostream> int a[100]; memset(a,0,sizeof(a));//出错的地方,不能再全局域对变量进行赋值操作 int main(){ //doing…
一堆奇怪的错误:1⃣️could not build module 'XXXXXXXX' 2⃣️error: expected identifier or '(' 3⃣️EDIT Setting Precompile prefix header = No results in a bunch of syntax errors instead, in stuff like NSObject.h (and other 4⃣️Foundation framework header) 5⃣️EDIT U…
Thrift-0.10.0 CenOS 7 编译错误 error: expected ')' before 'PRIu32' 在编译Thrift的时候,无论是Apache官网tar包,还是Github镜像,都会出现各种错误,其中一个比较头疼的就是标题描述的编译错误,经过捣鼓,终于妥协性的搞定了. make时的错误描述: src/thrift/server/TNonblockingServer.cpp: In member function 'void apache::thrift::server…
Linux C/C++编程时常会遇到“error: expected expression before ‘struct’”错误,此错误一般是由未定义的宏(宏里套宏)或参量引起,导致编译器判断当前语句为非法语句,可能有如下几种情况. 1.缺少ioctl.h头文件 调用ioctl函数,用到参数VIDIOC_QUERYCAP时无法编译通过. 解决办法: #include <sys/ioctl.h> 2.#define错误 比如: #define X =5 int z=X+1; 解决办法: 修正#d…
在IAR中编译STM32工程,遇到 Error[Pe147]: declaration is incompatible with "__nounwind __interwork __softfp unsigned int __iar_builtin_REV16(unsigned int)" (declared at line 199 of "$PROJ_DIR$\CMSIS\core_cm3.h 1124 在core_cm3.h中找到如下行,注释掉“#include <…
dosbox-0.74 bug 修复版下载: http://download.csdn.net/detail/yangbodong22011/9663271 注意:这篇博客解决了下面这个问题,如果你也恰巧遇到了这个问题,请继续往下读,完整的安装过程后面也有. make 操作错误信息如下: In file included from ../../include/programs.h:28:0, from cpu.cpp:29: ../../include/dos_inc.h: In member…
学习php的命名空间,直接把手册的代码粘贴过来,却报错了:Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script in 代码如下: <?php namespace my\name; // 参考 "定义命名空间" 小节 class MyClass {} function myfunction() {}…