最近在把Quartus Prime 15.1的工程移植到Vivado 2019.1,需要改变的地方还是很多的,先记一下差分信号在FPGA中的收发管脚定义和配置.以LVDS信号为例吧. 在7 Series FPGA & ZYNQ-7000 All Programmable SoC Library Guide for HDL Design(UG768)和7 Series FPGA SelectIO Resource(UG471)文档里面给出了HDL文件进行管脚分配的办法: 用OBUFDS原语(Pri…
Create a Hello World application In this experiment we will use Xilinx SDK to create a simple Hello World program. Here is a video we can look at before we start. Let's start SDK. xsdk & Xilinx SDK stores our project setup in a folder called a worksp…
本文转自:https://blog.csdn.net/liaohenchen/article/details/88847597 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 by-sa 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明.本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/liaohenchen/article/details/88847597 There are various ways of designing the architecture and project flow…
Xilinx Vivado的使用详细介绍(1):创建工程.编写代码.行为仿真 Author:zhangxianhe 新建工程 打开Vivado软件,直接在欢迎界面点击Create New Project,或在开始菜单中选择File - New Project即可新建工程. 点击Next: 输入工程名称和路径. 选择RTL Project,勾选Do not specify sources at this time(这样可以跳过添加源文件的步骤,源文件可以后面再添加). 直接选择Boards,然后选…
首先来看目录部分: 首先是介绍部分:这部分讲述的是Migrating From UCF Constraints to XDC Constraints(从UCF约束迁移到XDC约束)和About XDC Constraints(讲述的是特点,属性,还有如何输入XDC文件) 这里有一些我需要的部分,就是如何输入XDC文件 下面是英文文档: You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at different points in the flow.•…
此文全文转自:http://svenand.blogdrive.com/archive/169.html#.WaUV9IiGNPY ,非常感谢! 本人在vivado 2015.4版本测试! When we have completed lab 1, we will know how to do the following: Create a new project in Vivado targeting the Zynq Zedboard Add an embedded ARM source…
Bringing up the Avnet MicroZed with Vivado I recently received the Adam Taylor Edition of Avnet's Zynq-based MicroZed board, which was sent by the very kind people at Xilinx. I have been writing about the ZedBoard for a while now over on All Programm…
一,Execution Tree 执行树是数据流组件(转换和适配器)基于同步关系所建立的逻辑分组,每一个分组都是一个执行树的开始和结束,也可以将执行树理解为一个缓冲区的开始和结束,即缓冲区的整个生命周期. 大家知道,异步转换组件会结束输入缓冲区,创建新的输出缓冲区,所以,执行树的分组实际上通过异步转换组件来划分的,一个异步转换组件意味着上游执行树的结束和下游执行树的开始.当数据流经过异步转换组件,进入一个新的执行树,上一个执行树的缓冲区和相同数据就不再需要了,因为数据已经被传递到一个新的执行树和…
recourse: "Software Engineering", Ian Sommerville Keywords for this chapter: planning scheduling cost estimation Project planning takes place at three stages in a project life cycle: At the proposal stage (When you are bidding for a contract to…
1.概述(about Spring Web Folw) Spring Web Flow是spring社区一个子project Spring Web Flow builds on Spring MVC Spring Web Flow的特色功能是:它实现了web apllication的"流".类似于业务流程引擎(Activiti)的功能,将一系列的业务处理阶段封装成一个工作流,引导系统的使用者(也即用户)顺着封装好的"工作流"一步步完成每个阶段的任务(task),最终…